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Here’s Everything We Learned at Minecon 2016

Here’s Everything We Learned at Minecon 2016

Minecon 2016 is rocking the Anaheim convention center in sunny California this weekend, with tons of fans celebrating their love of Minecraft. Amidst the festivities, Mojang and Microsoft made some pretty big announcements, including the Minecraft: Console Edition Chinese Mythology Mash-Up, and the boss update that’ll also include the Add-Ons update. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s dig right into the news.

Come October 4, owners of Minecraft: Console Edition will be able to download the Chinese Mythology Mash-Up pack for $4.99. The pack will include a pre-made world that features an ancient city with dragons dwelling in the high mountains. It will also include 41 new skins, 13 themed music tracks for your world, and a special map for the Battle mini game. With this new mash-up you’ll get a free update that’ll introduce polar bears and their babies roaming through the frozen biomes, new items, blocks, banners, and terrain generation (say hello to igloos!). Feast your eyes on the trailer above!

Minecraft Add Ons_BigBadAlien

The next big update coming to Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta, Minecraft: Pocket Edition and Minecraft: Gear VR Edition, is set to release on October 18. The exciting news is that boss battles are being introduced for the first time with these versions! Tweaks were made to the Wither boss battle, and the Elder guardian (along with its Ocean Monument) will be introduced. This update will also bring along the first iteration of Add-Ons. These Add-Ons will let you edit simple text files to tweak the world of Minecraft. Making chickens cause huge explosions is a quick edit away from becoming a reality. If that sounds too complicated, free downloadable examples will be made available on

Finally, the October 18 update will also be adding new input options. You’ll be able to use your Xbox Wireless Controller with bluetooth while playing Gear VR and Windows 10 edition. Oculus Touch will also be supported on the Windows 10 edition for VR players.

We’ll update you guys with any more news that comes from Minecon. These updates sound like they’ll be massive. The Add-Ons alone should turn Minecraft into an even more customizable sandbox, and I can’t wait to see what the community comes up with. What do you guys think about the updates? Which are you most excited about? Build your thoughts in the comments section below!

Images: Mojang, Microsoft

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