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Here’s Everything SUICIDE SQUAD Showed Us in Its New Trailer

By now everyone has watched the official trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice more times than can truly be healthy. Plus, more than a few people have probably assumed our faux-trailer for Suicide Squad from Nerdist Presents: was the actual thing, but today DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. finally showed off their official iteration for the anti-hero team film at San Diego Comic-Con. It has not made it’s way online in any official capacity, but we will offer you a description of what was seen in the trailer for those that want to picture it in their mind’s eye.

The trailer starts at dinner on a rainy night, as Amanda Waller explains to two men, — I assume one is the secretary of defense due to the military uniform — assuring them that she has a team at the ready. “The worst of the worst.” The trailer cuts back and forth between this conversation and shots establishing an ultra-high-security detention center as Waller assures her two friends that this team is being held in the most secure prison. Waller assures her guests that using villains as their tools is the ultimate in deniability because “if anything goes wrong we can blame them.” Waller finally assures them she can control the team because “getting people to act against their own self-interest” is what she does for a living.

We are then met with our first introduction to Harley Quinn: hanging upside down from her the top of her cell like an aerial gymnast. One by one we are introduced to the members of the squad, and see what appear to be flashbacks to how they were caught — or at least their lives before prison — as Harley asks Waller if she is The Devil. Waller lets her know, “all you need to know is you work for me.” Several shots of the team assembled, ready to go to work, and Deadshot affirms they are Waller’s patsies, “a suicide squad.”

The clip then cuts between shots that get quicker as the team — on whatever mission that has brought them together — fly into a city at sundown (or perhaps,sunrise?), get involved in a shoot out in a warehouse with a man in a Panda costume, and what looks to be another dressed as a fake Batman. There are also shots of Deadshot with his daughter, shock therapy at what can assumed to be Arkham Asylum, Harley and an unseen Joker zipping around town with Batman on top of their car, explosions, a helicopter crashing, and a quick breakout as Harley chews some bubblegum — most likely because she has just kicked ass.

Captain Boomrang caps off the whole sequence, offering us the line “You know what they say about the crazy ones?” in order to bring us to the moment everyone was waiting for: Jared Leto’s Joker. One last shot of the team all together brings us to Joker, holding the shock treatment paddles as he promises someone he isn’t going to kill them, “I’m just going to hurt you really, really bad.”

There we have it, kids. The look and tone of the David Ayer film can best be described as Bladerunner meets The Warriors as directed by John Carpenter in this strange mix of dark and dirty next to bits of bright, vibrant, and some times candy colored lighting. It looks like it will be the anti-hero grindhouse flick that only Suicide Squad could be.

Stay with Nerdist for more news and stories coming out of San Diego Comic-Con, and don’t miss OUR interpretation of how Suicide Squad could look if the internet was always right in our latest Nerdist Presents:

Featured Image: Cheat Sheet

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