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Her Universe Teases Comic-Con Releases, Including the Ultimate Convention Hoodie

Her Universe will be making a splash at Comic-Con. Besides hosting their first ever fashion show at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel on Thursday night, the fashion-centric company is bringing a pile of new merchandise to the convention. They have such a wide selection of clothing you could get away with packing just a single outfit and purchasing the rest of your Comic-Con wardrobe on site. Yes, that is a challenge.

First of all, Her Universe and Nerdist (that’s us!) are debuting the Ultimate Convention Hoodie (modeled by our very own Chris Hardwick below). It’s available in sizes for men and women and has enough pockets for all your swag and gear. No, seriously. There are front pockets, sleeve pockets, a trick pocket, a pocket big enough for a water bottle, two pockets for poster tubes, and one for a comic book. It’s like a wearable bag of holding!

HU Nerdist SDCC ultimate convention hoodie

That’s not all, though. The below lookbook teases the following Marvel designs: an X-Men cardigan (want), a Loki costume dress, and a Black Widow hoodie (want). Ms. Marvel and Rogue tanks are also featured, but those items have already been released.

Her Universe SDCC tease

Not in a Marvel mood? Her Universe will offer items from other franchises like Star Wars, Doctor Who, Star Trek, and The Walking Dead. There’s a TARDIS dress, a style featuring the exploding TARDIS painting styled after Vincent van Gogh, and a lovely lavender Darth Vader dress. You’ll also be able to purchase some fancy R2-D2 jewelry designs.


You can shop for the new Her Universe items at Comic-Con at booth number 2913-E in the Lucasfilm Pavilion. Don’t forget to attend the fashion show to see several of these designs in action on the runway.

Not headed to Comic-Con? Visit the Her Universe website to purchase everything online after the convention.

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  1. Plains Hobbit says:

    Dear Santa, 

    1 Nerdist Hoodie, pleeeeeease!  On second thought, better make it at least 2 — you know the wear and tear I put on my clothes (^_^). 

    Love and Extra cookies into the bargain,
    Plains Hobbit

    P.S.  Feel free to throw in a TARDIS van Gogh dress.  I’ll be extra, extra good this year!

  2. Look at that Fake Geek Guy. He’s just trying to get attention  XD
    But really, what the heck is a trick pocket?!

    • Ryan says:

      I think the last person in this world who can be called a “Fake Geek Guy” is Hardwick. Just because he’s attractive? He’s a bigger nerd than even me.

      • Aw. I thought that my “XD” and “But really…” made it clear that I was being silly, and making fun of people who talk about “Fake Geek Girls”.

        • Ryan says:

          Oh, okay. Sarcasm font hasn’t been showing up very well on my mobile. I thought you were just stupid. Lol… Though, indeed, what the crap IS a trick pocket?!?!?! 

  3. dan v says:

    can i use it outside of conventions? kinda just wanna put two swords where the posters go.

  4. Tim says:

    SWEET HOODIE!!!! Want please

  5. twitter_SweetGeekling says:

    I. Need. That. Hoodie. I unfortunately have to go to a funeral in Salt Lake City instead of Comic Con, but I will eagerly await the online availability! And, for sizing purposes, what size is Mr. Hardwick modeling for us? I’d guess a medium?

    • s0nicfreak says:

      Pssh they’ll be dead all year long. but comic con only comes once a year

      • twitter_SweetGeekling says:

        My friend’s 3 year old son drowned. I’m going for her, not because he’ll know the difference.  Next year, though!

  6. Grayson says:

    The hoodie is brilliant. I’ll be picking one up!

  7. L says:

    I too would like that Nerdist hoodie. It’s the bees knees and the cat’s meow

  8. Keith E says:

    I WANT THAT HOODIE!!! Everything else shown is pretty cool too. But I love hoodies and I go to more than a few conventions and that hoodie is perfect. And shows how much of a Nerdist fan I am too. Post a link to buy online, since I am not going to ComicCon and I will buy it now

    Make it so