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Hayley Atwell Wants an AGENT CARTER Movie

Hayley Atwell Wants an AGENT CARTER Movie

If you mention Agent Carter in a room of geeks, you’re likely to hear a collective sad sigh. ABC canceled the Marvel series after two seasons, and though Hayley Atwell, a.k.a. Peggy Carter, is still working with ABC as the lead in the new show Conviction, she hasn’t given up on reprising the role of the best agent ever. Speaking with CBR, she said she doesn’t feel like she’s said goodbye to Peggy. Fans don’t feel that way either; we’re still holding out hope for more Peggy in one form or another–and Atwell’s pushing for that, too.

When word hit the streets about Atwell starring in the Conviction pilot, fans took it as a sign that Peggy Carter’s days were numbered. ABC didn’t cancel Agent Carter right then, but Atwell said talks started happening about possibly doing an Agent Carter special if the show ended. She thinks they might have done the special or maybe even something else with another network to keep Peggy alive.

Atwell is more than happy to play Peggy again, and it doesn’t sound like all hope is lost. Though nothing concrete is on the table right now, Atwell’s interested and Marvel knows how the fans appreciate the character. Both those factors make a difference. And Atwell even wants Peggy to have a movie, to which I say yes, a thousand times yes–especially if it also means more of James D’Arcy as Jarvis. She told CBR, “I hound [Marvel Studios co-president Louis] D’Esposito on a regular basis, saying, ‘Give me a movie!'”

Could you imagine a Peggy-centric movie? We know some fixed points on her timeline because of her appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there are decades that are wide open for storytelling.

What would you like to see next for Peggy? A TV special, a movie, or something else entirely? Tell me in the comments.

Wanna know about Luke Cage? Well good cuz here!

Image: ABC

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