In the world of animation, Hayao Miyazaki is a true living legend whose legacy transcends labels like cartoons. Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli anime films are like living pieces of art that just happen to be animated. They are simply things of beauty, and Spoke Art in New York City is paying tribute to the wondrous works of Miyazaki this weekend with a special art show.
The Miyazaki Art Show:Â A tribute to the films of Hayao Miyazaki opened on September 29 at Spoke Art, and it will run through Sunday, October 1. It’s a showcase for over one hundred artists from around the world who have created new pieces based on Miyazaki’s timeless imagination. I particularly like this take on Miyazaki himself by Crankbunny.
We are thrilled to share pictures of Raul Barquet’s hand painted My Neighbor Totoro photobooth. We want to give it a hug.
The pieces at the show take their cues from many of Miyazaki’s best known films, including Spirited Away, Ponyo, Kikiâs Delivery Service, and Princess Mononoke. Case in point, check out this very striking image of Mononoke by Adam Caldwell.
Howl’s Flying Castle, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away, and several other films are mashed together in this whimsical piece by Nick Stokes.
You can find more images from the show in our gallery below. If you live in New York and you love animation, then there’s no excuse to miss The Miyazaki Art Show. We would be there right now if we could be.
What do you think about these Miyazaki inspired pieces? Share your thoughts below.
Images: Spoke Art
Want more Miyazaki?
- Revisit Miyazaki’s best heroines.
- Learn about a Studio Ghibli Totoro park.
- Get excited about all Ghibli movies being rereleased on Blu-ray.