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Hasbro Breaks Down the Different Types of STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE Shoretroopers

Hasbro Breaks Down the Different Types of STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE Shoretroopers

Being a Stormtrooper stationed on the planet Scarif, as seen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, has got to be a mixed blessing at best. On the one hand, there’s a planet that’s all tropical beaches, and you get to live and work there. On the other…you have to wear Stormtrooper armor the whole time. But hey, at least it’s not the standard full-body white gear.

Hasbro Pulse has a breakdown today of the three different types of Scarif Stormtroopers, or “Shoretroopers,” you’ll see onscreen and in toy aisles shortly. The thing they all have in common? Unprotected thighs. This is presumably so they can run through surf less encumbered, and besides, Rebels always aim for the head or chest. Until they read this article, of course, and then everything will change. Or maybe these troops are the equivalent of Conan O’Brien’s former recurring character, Mick Ferguson (The Man Who’s Awfully Proud of His Bulletproof Legs):

The Squad Leader, who is soon to be available as a 6-inch Black Series figure, lacks the armor skirt and ammo pouch of the regular Trooper, and has “coat tails” not unlike the old-school Snowtroopers. He also has unique blue markings on his chest and shoulders:


The standard Shoretrooper’s only coloring is a red marking on his arm:


There’s also a Captain, who splits the difference–same armor as the trooper, but more coloration than the grunts or Squad Leader. All three versions will be available as 3.75 inch action figures in the spring, with the basic Shoretrooper currently available in a two-pack with Moroff. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also show up in the 6″ series later as retailer exclusives, as they’re simple enough modifications. It’s also cool to see that even the Empire can’t resist part colors when visiting the seaside. Maybe that should have been our first clue that there is still good in Anakin. Or he’s trying to embarrass his beach soldiers because of how much he hates sand.

Are you looking forward to building an army of Scarif Stormtroopers? Will your Rogue One team start aiming for the legs? Let’s Jyn up some comments below!

Images: Hasbro/Lucasfilm

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