Harry Potter, one of the most beloved and financially successful franchises of all time in both books and film. Scott Pilgrim, one of the most beloved niche properties to ever grace comics that unfortunately didn’t quite make enough at the box office. We know that we love these things, but what we didnât know was how much we love them together. That is, until now.
The Unsual Suspect, best known for his various Power Rangers themed mash-ups, has returned with an all new take on the Harry Potter film franchise, done in the style of Edgar Wrightâs cult-favorite, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.
Now this would be a Harry Potter movie we would totally pay our hard earned money to see (well, weâd pay hard-earned money to see any Harry Potter film, but you get the point). Mixing the at-times serious nature of Harry Potter with the insanity that was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World really amps up the nature of the magic.
Now, if only Scott Pilgrim could be magically transported into the Harry Potter universe to fight Voldemort, that is something we would pay hard earned⦠well, you get the idea.
What do you think of this Harry Potter/Scott Pilgrim mash-up? Let us know in the comments below!
yes. Yes. YES! This is wonderful.
Well done on all accounts!