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Did you ever read the Harry Potter novels and wonder how exactly the Dursley’s got away with neglect and abuse for ten years before Harry was whisked off to Hogwarts? To be honest, it’s not something I personally thought about, but this new animated short from the Fine Brothers illustrates exactly how R-rated a now-classic children’s series could be seen and probably would be seen if everything was just a little more realistic in it. I’ll just hang out here and wait for you to watch.

From a racist Sorting Hat to criminal abuse, murder, and general foul play, the Fine Brothers have given us a great little aside from the stories we all know and love. It’s definitely not something I’m going to share with my nieces who are finishing up reading the books for the first time, but you can absolutely bet I’ll be sending it to my siblings with whom I have had many a late night, not completely sober, debate about various Harry Potter plot lines. I’m guessing they will be as highly entertained as I am by the sharpened broomsticks and the risqué Mirror of Erised.

Because they know that we’re never quite satisfied just with an improved story, the Fine Brothers also posted a great little behind the scenes video on how the voices were created and the story itself. You can watch it here:

Would you want to see the Fine Brothers’ take on the rest of the books in the Harry Potter series or is one enough? I’m thinking that the spider scenes and the dragon scenes would be child’s play compared to anything Bellatrix Lestrange could cook up. Tell me what you think in the comments below!

HT: Laughing Squid

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