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Happy Earth Day! Watch These HD Shots Of Nature While Karen O Plays In The Background

Happy Earth Day, everybody!

California is rapidly running out of water and according to Nerdist Science Editor Kyle Hill, “We’re f–ked!”, thanks to rapid climate change.

“Like, totally f–ked,” Kyle clarifies.

But hey! We can be negative any other day of the year, but today let’s start on a path of constructive reinforcement by committing to some basic positive behaviors. The onus is on all of us as a community, so let’s start today by flushing our toilets less, taping balls of lightning bugs together instead of using electricity, and driving bears instead of cars. Baby steps, guys.

To celebrate the holiday, I thought it would be cool watch all this collected HD footage from BBC and National Geographic while Karen O’s delicate “Hello Tomorrow” (recorded in 2005, before she recorded Show Your Bones with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs) twinkles in the background.

In all seriousness tough, figuring out ways to find responsible, reusable energy is cool as hell. With our powers combined, we can be a little bit better off.

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