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The SOLO Trailer Shows Han’s Gold Dice in an Unexpected Place

After what felt like an incredibly long wait, the first trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story has arrived. The action-packed footage gives us a glimpse of Alden Ehrenreich‘s take on a young Han Solo. He already has scoundrel-like tendencies and has for a while if his bravado is to be believed. He’s been running scams on the street since he was ten, apparently. And maybe somewhere in all those deals and cons, he acquired the gold dice we later see hanging in the Millennium Falcon‘s cockpit. They’re dangling on the vehicle he’s piloting with Qi’Ra (Emilia Clarke).

And just to make it extra obvious:

Fans recently saw those dice in The Last Jedi. Luke brought a holographic version of the vehicle accessory to Crait to “give” to Leia; the emotional moment was when Leia realized Luke wasn’t physically there. The gold dice had been dangling in the Millennium Falcon’s forward windshield since at least the beginning of the Star Wars saga. The make a brief appearance in A New Hope (though they’ve been given a makeover for The Last Jedi to turn the pips into more galactic symbols).

The dice were in The Force Awakens, too, but we didn’t see them. The Visual Dictionary for Episode VII explain the dice were “used in the ‘Corellian Spike’ game of sabacc in which he [Han] won the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian.” Since they show up in the Solo trailer seemingly before Han takes ownership of the iconic ship, maybe they’re his lucky dice that have been with him for years and he takes them wherever he goes. I’m not going to suggest he uses these dice to cheat–no, wait, I’m totally going to suggest that as a possibility.

Where do you think Han originally got the dice from? Jump into hyperspace and share your theories in the comments.

Images: Lucasfilm, DK Publishing

Amy Ratcliffe is an Associate Editor for Nerdist. She likes Star Wars a little. Follow her on Twitter.

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