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Hallmark’s STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Miniatures are Required for the Holidays

Hallmark is breaking our hearts and wallets with the release of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens products coming this year. Featuring heroes and villains from the new film, Hallmark is pulling out all the stops with Star Wars greeting cards, ornaments, Cubeez boxes, and our favorite itty bitties which will all be available starting next month.

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Hallmark ornaments are a mainstay of the holidays and on October 3, Kylo Ren will join the ranks of the revered Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments. Another fan favorite, the mysterious chrome-armored Captain Phasma ornament will become available just one month later, perfect for your First Order themed holiday decor.

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Need stocking stuffers? Hallmark has you covered with their stackable metal boxes called Cubeez. We’ve seen most impressive Star Wars Cubeez in the past, but this holiday season they will be releasing a four-piece Force Awakens collector set bearing the likenesses of BB-8, Rey, Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma.

Now settle in, here comes the cute. Star Wars itty bittys have been a huge hit with plush collectors, myself included, and I personally can’t resist a mini sized villain. The Kylo Ren itty bitty is too darling to be evil, and a sweet little Rey itty bitty will join his side when both are released in November. Look for special edition versions of one of these characters for the holidays in December.

Along with gift items, decorative ornaments and gift wrap, Hallmark is setting itself up to be the one stop shopping destination for Star Wars fans this holiday season. Hallmark Star Wars products will be available later this year in stores and online at

What Hallmark stocking stuffers will you be looking forward to this holiday? Let us know in the comments!

photo credit: all photos courtesy of Hallmark

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