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GRAVITY Contest Winner Announced!

Well, folks, it’s all over bar the shouting. A winner has been chosen in our Gravity contest, which asked contestants to show us what “gravity” meant to them, either in video or still image.

Our winner is Jonathan Chase, and his winning entry is the above video, entitled “Gravity Switch.” Pretty great, right? I mean, what would you do if you had a switch that could turn off gravity? It would certainly ruin your game of billiards, that’s for sure.

Not only has his video now been featured on the Nerdist Channel, but Jonathan has won a trip to LA for a day of science with one of the contest judges, Bobak Ferdowsi. Congratulations, Jonathan! Prepare yourself for more learnin’ than a kid in AP Physics will get all semester.

We also want to take a moment to acknowledge our two runners-up:

One is this fantastic Vine by Stefan.

The other is this video by Tomo.

Gravity is currently the #1 movie in the world, so if you haven’t seen it yet, you may want to float on over there before the debris field comes back (i.e. it leaves theaters).

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