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GRAND THEFT AUTO V Mods Introduce STAR WARS Imperial Star Destroyer & Land Speeder

With a new Star Wars film and game on the horizon, the franchise’s popularity is at an all-time high. Grand Theft Auto V mods also happen to be pretty sweet. What would happen if we mashed these two bad boys together? Could the world survive that much awesome?

YouTuber TwoDynamic has put together a nifty video showing off some Star Wars mods for the PC version of GTAV that introduces the city of Los Santos to a couple of futuristic vehicles: an Imperial Star Destroyer and a Land Speeder. For the results, take a gander at the video above.

Both vehicles look the part. The Star Destroyer is a bit smaller than we’d expect, but it’s huge compared to every other vehicle and building in Los Santos. As the video points out, there’s also a lack of polish on these mods at the moment, but that will eventually change. And cruising down the street then casually bumping into a Land Speeder looks like too much fun. It’s the kind of future I want to live in, minus the instantaneously accessible AK-47s. Granted, having an Imperial Star Destroyer hovering over my hometown sounds terrifying, but still looks rad. If that’s not enough to impress you, a Speeder Bike is also thrown into the video for good measure.

What I would like to know is, how many helicopters would it take to shoot down the Imperial Star Destroyer? Is its durability comparable to its size? Is it any good for transportation? The only way to find out is to play the game.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, the GTA V community has been killing it. The best thing that could have happened to the game is the PC release.

What do you think about these mods? Will you be using any of these? What other Star Wars mods would you like to be made? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: TwoDynamic 

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