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GOTHAM’s Red Band Trailer for New Villain Crew ‘The Maniax’ is Totally Insane

Warning: Gotham‘s latest trailer is not for the faint of heart.

FOX’s DC Comics series introduced a new villain posse in the dark season two premiere (check out our full recap), and it’s clear from the epic new red band trailer the network just debuted that “The Maniax” are here to stay.

Comprised of the Joker Jerome (Cameron Monaghan), Jim Gordon’s (Ben McKenzie) ex Barbara (Erin Richards), and three other criminally insane Arkham escapees, The Maniax are about to wreak more havoc on the city of Gotham than any other villain has in the past. You thought Falcone (John Doman) and his mob war was bad news for the city? Straight from the mouth of Jerome himself: “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

If you didn’t get a chance to watch Gotham‘s incredible season two premiere, don’t worry! The red band trailer will catch you up on all the info you need to know about this ragtag group of murderers, rapists, and cannibals—including where they come from, what they did to get locked up in Arkham Asylum, and how they broke out. Thanks to the mysterious Galavan siblings Theo (James Frain) and Tabitha (Jessica Lucas), six inmates were busted out in the season premiere. But one of the newly-liberated baddies, billionaire playboy Richard Sionis (Todd Stashwick), didn’t want to join the new “team,” and so Tabitha quickly and brutally took him out. It was bloody, it was brutal, and totally badass. Gotham executive producer Bruno Heller wasn’t kidding when he told us that they “upped the stakes this season.”


We still don’t know exactly why Theo wants these “criminal lunatics” running amok on the streets of Gotham, but at this point, sheer chaos and terror seems to be the goal. And in next week’s episode, “Knock, Knock,” The Maniax make a splash with their first act that accomplishes just that. Spray-painting your crew’s name on hostages and tossing them off the roof of a building is the perfect way to make sure that newspapers get the incorrect spelling of your name right!

But while the boys play with their victims, Barbara and Tabitha are going to bond in more ways than one. Mastering the art of a whip really brings two femme fatales close, huh? But Barbara isn’t done tormenting her ex Jim, either. Do not let this girl near a phone, people. And we’re pretty sure it’s high time that Jim’s new ladylove Lee (Morena Baccarin) invests in some heavy-duty home security.

The red band trailer is full of jaw-dropping action from the next few episodes of Gotham, including The Maniax infiltrating and launching a full-scale attack inside the GCPD station, Jim holding Barbara at gunpoint, someone warning Jerome that his legacy will be “death and madness,” Jim looking extremely beat-up (no, not the face!), The Maniax launching another attack but this time on The Penguin’s (Oswald Cobblepot) nightclub, Jim holding Jerome up by his neck, Jerome holding young Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) hostage, and so much more. Prepare yourself, because it’s no longer the “Rise of the Villains.” The villains have officially risen!

Press play on the video above to watch the new red band trailer now, and hit the comments section below with your thoughts!

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