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GOTHAM Recap: “Mad City: Anything For You” Pits Nygma Vs. Butch

GOTHAM Recap: “Mad City: Anything For You” Pits Nygma Vs. Butch

Warning: this recap contains spoilers from Monday’s episode of Gotham, “Mad City: Anything For You.” This is a recap, after all! Don’t say we didn’t warn you …

It’s Monday night, and you know what that means: villains make grand plans to cause havoc and heroes thwart those plans to save the innocent on everyone’s favorite Batman prequel series Gotham. Except this time around, it was the villains who saved the day in the end in “Mad City: Anything For You.” What kind of world are we living in?! Let’s dive in and recap all the madness, shall we?

The Red Hood Gang is back, and this time, their target is Gotham’s new mayor, Penguin. After attacking his press conference lauding the new peace in the city–how ironic, right?–they beheaded his new statue memorializing his mother. That’s just plain mean.

That spurred Penguin’s chief of staff/new best friend Ed Nygma to oversee the investigation into the new Red Hood Gang, taking him right into the heart of the GCPD where he, a cop killer, did not receive a warm welcome at all. Of course, Ed being Ed, that didn’t bother him at all. In fact, it downright delighted him. What none of them knew, though, was that the person behind the new Red Hood Gang was none other than Penguin’s other right-hand man Butch, since he was getting saltier by the minute from being excluded from Penguin and Nygma’s new friendship.


Meanwhile, Gordon and Valerie were having a hard time separating their work from their relationship, especially since Valerie is so intent on getting to the bottom of the rumors surrounding Alice’s poisonous blood. Gordon wouldn’t budge on giving her any inside information, so she decided to find it on her own by going on a not-date with someone who could help her out. Gordon wasn’t exactly thrilled at hearing that news from his new not-girlfriend.

Meanwhile, still unable to find where Ivy disappeared to, Bruce approached Gordon to hire him as a private investigator, without Selina knowing since he didn’t want to get her hopes up. After a few suggestive remarks about Bruce and Selina’s growing relationship–turns out Gordon’s still got some jokes after all!–he agreed to help find Ivy. He also gave Bruce advice: tell Selina how he truly felt, since his silence would only drive her away. Sounds like he’s speaking from experience (cough, Lee, cough).

When Gordon and Bruce were scouting for information at the GCPD, they ran into Lee, who pulled Gordon aside to warn him that her engagement announcement to Mario was coming out tomorrow, and he told her that he already knew that Mario was a Falcone, much to her surprise. What came as a surprise to me, however, was how easily she threw around the Falcone name just minutes later when she punched Nygma and warned him to stay away from her. That seemed a little darker than what we’re used to seeing from Lee, no? Maybe her new family ties are rubbing off on her more than she thinks?

While Penguin riled up his criminal contacts to find the Red Hood Gang, Babs and Tabitha decided to take matters into their own hands so they could get a favor from Penguin and make sure Butch stopped trying to mess with them. They discovered Butch giving orders to his new gang, and they got him to confess that he set up the new gang just so he could take them out and get credit for the save, making him number one again in Penguin’s eyes. But when Nygma figured out where the gang was hiding, Butch was forced to kill them all ahead of schedule. Nygma thought the crime scene was fishy, however, and after a little digging, figured out Butch was the architect of the new gang.


Back at the GCPD, Lee updated Barnes on her experiments with Alice’s blood and how it affects other people. Seeing as how he’s infected, he was extra curious in how long he had until he went psychotic, but she didn’t have any timeline for him. Yikes.

At Penguin’s party at Sirens, the new Ivy ran into Selina, who didn’t recognize her old friend in her new body. And Ivy decided not to clue her in to her identity just yet, since it was “too fun.” Nygma also had a little too much fun when confronting Butch about the Red Hood Gang, offering his help in killing Penguin. You see, Nygma wasn’t content with being someone’s number two, and unaware the Butch didn’t want to hurt Penguin, he came up with a plan for Butch to wear a red hood and kill Penguin at the party, and Nygma would help him escape. When Butch refused, Nygma threatened Tabitha’s life, and gave him a gun with blank bullets to set Butch up for failure. Penguin was furious when Butch tried to shoot him in front of everyone, but Tabitha came to his rescue. Butch then tried to kill Nygma, but Babs knocked him out cold before he could.

Later that night, Bruce decided to tell Selina the truth about how he cared for her as more than a friend, but she thought he only felt that way because she’s literally the only girl he knows. Ouch, but kind of true. That didn’t stop her from kissing him, though! Is there a new romance brewing on Gotham?

Another guy who stepped up in the romance department was Gordon, since he ended up crashing Valerie’s “work” dinner to save her from a horribly creepy guy who wanted to trade information about Alice’s blood for, ahem, sexual favors. Gross. And since Gordon realized he couldn’t separate the woman from the reporter, he decided to go all in with Valerie and tell her whatever she needed to know about the Alice investigation. Gordon is finally letting himself enjoy life again! How long is this going to last? Probably not long.


And while Penguin and Nygma couldn’t be closer than ever, Tabitha wasn’t going to let Butch get taken away by the police. She hijacked the ambulance carrying him, and when Barnes got the bad news, he stood up ina anger, only to realize he didn’t need his crutch anymore. Alice’s blood started to do its work! And speaking of Alice, turns out Jervis still hasn’t given up on trying to get his sister, even though she’d dead. He kidnapped a young girl, dressed her in a blonde wig and blue dress and killed her as a message to Gordon. With the police chief compromised and Gordon not even working as a cop anymore, this means something really bad is about to happen.

What did you think of tonight’s Gotham? Tweet me your thoughts at @SydneyBucksbaum!

Images: Fox

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