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There’s a GOLDEN GIRLS Cookbook Coming (and There’s Already a Cheesecake Recipe!)

If you have to travel down the road to your pal’s party, and you need a gift that lets them know you’re thankful to have them as a friend, a new cookbook will be the perfect way to show them your heart is true. What confidante wouldn’t want recipes based on The Golden Girls?

In news we first came across at Hello Giggles, Disney-owned Kingswell Publishing is developing a cookbook made up of recipes inspired by the beloved sitcom that ran for seven season on NBC from 1985 to 1992. There are few details about what kind of dishes will be included in the book, but it’s not exactly hard to imagine it will have plenty of cheesecake recipes (and really, it would be more than okay with us if it was only cheesecake recipes).

The only bad news is the book is still a ways away from hitting stores, with a release date of 2020. But the good news for those of us who like to work out our problems while eating dessert in our pajamas is they have served up a tasty tidbit of what’s to come, so we don’t have to wait for the book’s release to cook up our first Golden Girls cheesecake. Babble already has a sneak peek at one of the cookbook’s recipes, and it’s not just a chocolate cheesecake, or even a fudge chocolate cheesecake, but a double fudge chocolate cheesecake.

And if you make that for your friend’s party they are definitely gonna know your heart is true.

What other recipes based on the show do you hope to see included? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image: NBC

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