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Go: A Time Travel Art Show Celebrating A Time Travel Book

Time travel has been a theme consistently explored in popular culture, whether it’s through a TARDIS or a tunnel or a car or a phone booth. A new book, “So You Created a Wormhole: The Time Traveler’s Guide to Time Travel,” by Phil Hornshaw and Nick Hurwitch, has just been released; It’s described as “the world’s first and only field manual/survival guide to time travel,” and it offers all the tips you’d need if you were to end up slipping through time and, for example, running into a dinosaur. Or yourself, at another age. That could be useful information.

To celebrate the book’s publication, the good folks at iam8bit are hosting a time travel-themed art show at their gallery in L.A., and it opens with a free event this Friday (April 13th) 7-11 pm. The show will then run through April 29th, so if you can’t make the opening, there’ll still be a few weeks for you to see it. The list of artists contributing to the exhibition is long and the art’s impressive, as the samples with this post indicate.

The gallery’s at 2147 W. Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles, and regular hours are Thursday 1-8 pm, Friday 1-9 pm, Saturday noon-9 pm, and Sunday noon-6 pm. You can RSVP at the exhibition’s Facebook page. If you’ll be in L.A., you should stop by and see this thing. If you can’t be in L.A., make a note of it and when you get your time machine in the future, set it to return to 4/13/2012 so you can go to the show. You might even run into yourself there, but that might be trouble… unless you follow the instructions in the book….

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

Earthworms in the Amazon Are Four Feet Long, and They Gurgle

Earthworms in the Amazon Are Four Feet Long, and They Gurgle

Exclusive: Journey through the Wormhole with New INTERSTELLAR Text Adventure Game

Exclusive: Journey through the Wormhole with New INTERSTELLAR Text Adventure Game



  1. marques finch says:

    will you talk about this on cbs news?

  2. lena says:

    I must have this book.

  3. jay says:

    This book looks really Awesome!

  4. Jake says:

    Because of this, I’ve just bought that book.