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Reactions to M. Night Shyamalans’s GLASS Have Fans Split

Some fans of M. Night Shyamalan have an Unbreakable faith in the director, but a run of critical duds were Signs to others he no longer has a Sixth Sense for making a great movie. However, both groups have been united in their excitement for his next film. It will see the return of Shymalan’s beloved hero, Bruce Willis’ David Dunn, as he faces off against his old nemesis, played by Samuel L. Jackson, as well as James McAvoy’s Kevin, a.k.a. The Beast. Unfortunately the first critical reactions to the movie haven’t exactly been super. Today’s Nerdist News looks at the good, the bad, and the downright confused reviews that have left fans Split over what to expect from Glass.

Host Jessica Chobot rounds up the wide range of reviews that have hit the web this week ahead of Glass‘s release on January 18. While the movie’s first half sounds to be fulfilling, the second half definitely left a lot of people thirsty for a more entertaining end to Shyamalan’s trilogy.

Oof. Those are definitely not the reviews fans of Unbreakable and Split were hoping to hear, but will this be enough to shatter the film’s box office success? Even if it is, there’s one thing everyone can agree on: the title is perfect for making bad puns.

But what do you think? Are you more or less likely to see the movie after hearing these reviews? Have they changed your excitement for it? Tell us in the comments section below if your hopes are half full or half empty.

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