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GILMORE GIRLS: Supercaffeinated Recaps, Part 12

Netflix’s revival of Gilmore Girls has wrapped production. The streaming service hasn’t announced a premiere date for the continuation of the drama, but hopefully they’ll do so soon. In the meantime, you have my supercaffeinated recaps to keep you company. We’ve reached the end of season four, and we all know what that means–Luke and Lorelai finally act upon their feelings for each other. Even when I rewatch the series, I can’t help but scold them with a sound “It’s about time, you idgits!”

The last part of season four isn’t only about Luke and Lorelai. Rory makes an interesting (yeah, let’s go with interesting) life decision and Richard and Emily’s relationship takes a downward turn. Let’s discuss all the things!

Underwear Shopping for a Dead Person

Richard’s mother Trix, also named Lorelai, passed away in the “The Reigning Lorelai.” Richard has largely been an unflappable pillar throughout Gilmore Girls to this point. He’s lost his temper a few times, but he hasn’t fallen apart–until now. His mom meant the world to him, and the last time they spoke, it was in anger. Aww.

But Richard’s loss isn’t the most memorable part of this episode. Remember how Trix didn’t like Emily? While Emily was working on arranging the funeral to Trix’s exacting demands, she started going through Trix’s belongings and found a note her mother-in-law had written to Richard the night before Richard and Emily’s wedding. It detailed how Emily wasn’t good enough for Richard and how he should consider marrying Pennilyn. Well, now we know why Pennilyn recently showed up in the series.

The letter infuriated Emily–as it should have. Yes, it was terrible, but it was also a gift because the note meant we got to see Emily at her worst/best. She let go of all her decorum and let her hair down, and it was a damn delight to watch.

Favorite quote: “I’ll bring coffee, a Danish. You’ve never had so much fun with death in your life.” – Lorelai

The Match Is Lit

I never quite understood or supported Lorelai and Jason’s relationship, but it sure did end in one of the most awful, uncomfortable ways possible. After Jason’s father Floyd accepted a dinner invitation at Emily and Richard’s only to tell Richard he was suing him, Richard turned his back on Jason. Did you catch all that? In “Afterboom,” Jason decided he would retaliate by suing Richard and the act was the final straw for Lorelai. It was a noteworthy moment because it showed Lorelai was still loyal to her parents despite her constant ire for them. She chose her family over Jason, and honestly, I was a little surprised–pleased, but surprised.

The fallout between Richard and Jason had a consequence on another relationship: Emily and Richard’s. Trouble was brewing between them since the Pennilyn encounter at the Yale and Harvard game, and they’ve never bounced back. This was the tipping piont, apparently. They tried to pretend it was business as usual, but Lorelai learned Emily was staying in a hotel. Emily. Living. In. A. Hotel. How did it come to this?

Favorite quote: “I like the use of ‘sucky’ and ‘thereby’ in the same sentence.” – Lorelai

Best Test Run Ever?

Gilmore Girls’ season four finale was all about the “finallys.” You know, finally we had the Luke and Lorelai moment, the Dragonfly Inn was finally ready to open, Emily and Richard finally admitted they were separated–you get the idea. Let’s start with the inn. Lorelai and Sookie opened their business for a test run for close friends and some random residents of Stars Hollow. This represented the culmination of a dream for both women, and I was proud to watch them preside over their creation.

The Dragonfly Inn opening was one of many huge moments in “Raincoats and Recipes.” Moments like how Luke and Lorelai talked about their feelings towards each other and kissed. They kissed! Ahhh! That scene doesn’t get old, regardless of how many times I’ve watched it. It was romantic in an uniquely Luke and Lorelai way. My heart.

Elsewhere in Stars Hollow, Rory made a controversial romantic connection by hooking up with Dean. Well, not only hooking up with–it was the first time she slept with anyone. Yeah. It was the polar opposite of a move you’d expect from Rory, but as her talk with Lorelai after the event illustrated, she was sort of in denial about Dean being married. It was easy for her to set the fact aside. Their entanglement marked the beginning of an interesting story arc for Rory.

Favorite quote: “Would you just stand still?”

Which moments from the end of season four would you call out as highlights? Does the Luke and Lorelai kiss still get to you? Talk to me in the comments.

Images: Warner Bros., Something Scribbled, On Screen Kisses

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