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Giant, Mutant Cockroaches Will Be No Match For Our Huge Glue Traps

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
—Benjamin Franklin

And let there be no doubt, if–nay when–the giant, mutant cockroaches come for us, we will be prepared for them, thanks to the dedicated work of one Japanese company that has been working on, vigorously testing, and perfecting the ideal weapon against the future bug invaders: massive glue roach traps.

This forward thinking “countermeasure” comes from Earth Chemical, and it is 929 times the size of a normal roach trap. When you see their artist’s rendering of what we might face someday, you’ll be very glad someone out there is getting us ready.

Not content to trust that this will work when called upon, they tested it with people of various sizes and skill: a scientist, a sprinter, and a sumo wrestler. As we all know those are the three standard types of humans used to test all devices.

The great news for our species is none of them could overcome the trap. The scientist and his big brain couldn’t out think it, the sprinter couldn’t out run it, and the sumo wrestler almost managed to pull it apart with his brute strength, but then got his nipple stuck and it was all over.

Hopefully the cockroaches don’t realize they can also use this against us. Oh no! I hope we didn’t show our cards too early!

Seeing our best minds work on the real problems of tomorrow makes me think that when the day comes that we face annihilation we will be citing another great American, President Whitmore.

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on, we’re going to survive. Today we celebrate our independence day!

….That’s assuming the cockroaches attack on July 4th obviously.

Besides the three standard test subjects they used, what person would you have liked to see try and beat the giant trap? Tell us in the comments below.

Images: Chemical Earth

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