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GHOSTBUSTERS International Trailer Gives Us Much More Chris Hemsworth

The new international trailer for Ghostbusters is here with lots of never-before-seen footage to dissect, more sight gags, and an acknowledgment of the fact that the people fighting the ghosts this time around are (gasp!) women.

This trailer has the general feel as the first official American trailer—following the same opening, starting with the theme song played slowly on a piano over a sweeping aerial view of New York—but with some noticeable differences.

The most obvious being the presence of Chris Hemsworth‘s Kevin, the ladies’ new secretary who was apparently hired solely for his good looks. Whereas Hemsworth’s only contribution to the first trailer was a very brief, silent appearance, he is all over this one. He even caps off the trailer with a gag playing on the sexism that the female Ghostbusters team seems like it’ll be facing (where do these creative types come up with such outrageous ideas!) when his character, Kevin, offers his not-so-great idea for a new logo. One that is, uh… hmm… bust-ing with enthusiasm.

This bit, coupled with Leslie Jones’ quote after her failed stage dive at a concert (“I don’t know if it was a race thing, or a lady thing, but I’m mad as hell.”), it’s clear the film isn’t going to let the heated discussion about its cast’s gender go by the wayside without a few cracks at its ridiculousness.

While this trailer shows fewer ghosts close-ups, the dead are practically everywhere, and in some ways more frightening. However, the best part of this trailer for me is Kate McKinnon, who hardly speaks but still manages to be funny in every shot.

Ghostbusters opens on July 15.

What did you take away from this trailer? Is there something strange we missed? Tell us in the comments below.

Images: Columbia Pictures

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