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GHOST OF TSUSHIMA Gameplay Looks Beautiful and Bloody

Looks like we have our second breathtaking samurai showcase of E3 2018 after the excitement that was Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Ghost of Tsushima doesn’t look to have the fantasy creatures, but it doesn’t need them. The way the sunlight reflects off the ground, the way each stalk bends under your horse’s hoofbeats…it’s packing some stunning visuals. And that’s before you start stabbing everyone in slow and fast motion, making Quentin Tarantino and Zack Snyder undoubtedly proud, or at least feeling homaged (the company behind it is called Sucker Punch Productions, after all).

But the more official synopsis is this: “In 1274, the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the Japanese island of Tsushima and slaughters its legendary samurai defenders. Jin Sakai is one of the last survivors of a noble samurai clan. To combat his overwhelming foes, he must pioneer deadly new fighting techniques–the way of The Ghost–and wage an unconventional war for the people of Japan.”

It looks like sword battles, somewhat realistically, can include lots of parries or just one well-placed strike. You can pick whom to target from afar, and even stab shadows through walls to make the man on the other side bleed out. And even if you lose, it’s going to be the most beautiful way to die you ever saw.

But maybe don’t die. The ghost style is metaphorical, not literal. One day Forest Whitaker will emulate it in a popular cult film.

Are you ready to repel the Mongolian hordes? Slink stealthily down to our comments section below and leave your mark.

Image: Sony Interactive Entertainment

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