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Get Your First Look At The Final Season of WAREHOUSE 13

It was with a hint of sadness last year that SyFy announced the upcoming 6-episode season of cult-hit Warehouse 13 was going to be the show’s last. The series, co-created by Jane Espenson and D. Brent Mote, has been one of the most reliable, consistently hilarious shows on the network since it premiered in the summer of 2009. Pete is never not a source for laughs, Artie is one of the most lovable grumpy old men in the history of television, and Claudia is, I mean, awesome. Oh and Mrs. Frederic is just, well she’s just Mrs. Frederic, but you get the idea.

And thanks to SyFy, fans can now get their first look at the final episodes:

Lightning fights, time machines, quips, some kind of stage performer, yup, that’s the Warehouse 13 we know and love.

Considering the rather dramatic end to last season that saw Claudia (Allison Scagliotti) accepting her role as caretaker and heading in to do battle with former caretaker Paracelsus, there’s no doubt the upcoming April 14th season premiere is going to raise the stakes for our heroes to a whole new level.

But just in case, I totally call dibs on any leftover Farnsworths and old-timey keyboards.

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  1. terri says:

    First there was Mika and the weird hair, it looked like a messy wig, now it looks back to the beautiful hair from the first episodes. I thought she was sick, it looked terrible. Now there is Pete, what the heck is up with his hair in these final episodes, he also had great hair till this year. Wow freaky!