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Get a Premier (But Pricey) FORCE AWAKENS Stormtrooper Costume

When you decide that you want to cosplay as a nameless, faceless, easily replaceable character from the galaxy far, far away, one that is exactly the same as tens of thousands of other characters, you want to make sure you do it right, no matter the cost. That’s why you’ll want to get yourself one of these high-end, premier replica Star Wars: The Force Awakens stormtrooper costumes.

We first came across these pricey but quality First Order stormtrooper sets at io9, and they are currently available for preorder from ANOVOS. These are no joke–they look like they came right from the set–which is probably why they are geared towards fans with some disposable income, because you can get the complete “head-to-toe” kit for $2,225, or an already constructed version for $6,915. (They also had a cheaper, classic trilogy stormtrooper costume for pre-order at only $650, but it is currently sold out.)


Like actual troopers, they are designed for people 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet tall, “with a mesomorphic body-type” (that just means not too tall, thin, short, or heavy). So if you need or want to make modifications (or want to save four grand) you’ll want to get the do-it-yourself version. They also say that these will only be available for order until July 31st, with the suits expected to start shipping in September.

Of course, if you do pony up the big dollars for one of these, we do expect some of you will then get to work making your own Z6 baton, so you can walk around cons screaming “Traitor!” at everyone and really get the return on your investment you deserve.

Would you be willing to pay this much for one of these? If not, which Star Wars costume would you spend big bucks on? Tell us in the comments below.

Featured Image: Lucasfilm

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