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Get A Look At The First Major Battle From X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

The time of a post-apocalyptic future filled with mutant hunting sentinels is almost upon us, thanks to the highly anticipated X-Men: Days of Future Past. In preparation, Fox has released a new, action-packed clip from the opening of the film via MTV, and it’s superb:


Did anyone just gain complete confidence that this movie is going to kick serious ass come May? This might the most well constructed action sequence Bryan Singer has ever put together. It’s exciting, beautifully paced and very clear in terms of choreography. All the mutants’ powers are clearly displayed and their actions all have a unique purpose in defense against the attacking sentinel.

This movie needs to get here faster.

X-Men: Days of Future Past opens in theaters May 23rd.

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  1. JW says:

    I.CAN.NOT.WAIT. AHHHHH! Looks fanfuckintasic!

  2. Audio says:

    I can’t wait! This movie is going to be amazing! Haters going to hate…

  3. Tom says:

    @Jane, her name is Clarice Ferguson, or her mutant name Blink, and yes she does have the ability to teleport herself and others.

  4. Jane says:

    WHAT A MINUTE. Does that woman have the power to shoot portals because if so I am in love. If not I am still in love does anyone know what that character’s name is?

  5. StuartB says:

    This movie looks BAD. Bryan Singer should not be allowed anywhere near superhero movies, he hasn’t made a good one yet.

  6. evlmidnitebomber says:

    Seriously!? Region Locked?! WTH is this nonsense?! Why would anyone post a region locked video ON THE INTERNET!? You do understand that the internet doesn’t just end at a border right?? *Shakes head* Unbelievable….

  7. Courgy says:

    Now there´s some fire/waterbending done right.

  8. Al T says:

    screw you MTV!