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German Grocery Store Commercial Spoofs All the Most Meme-able Cats

Going to the grocery store used to be a fun deal when I was a kid. I could get hyped by all the new cereals based on major motion pictures, and scout out obscure, off-brand sodas for additions to my can collection. As an adult with responsibilities and a budget it’s less fun, always having to choose between, like, beer OR ice cream, but not both, because the rest of the money went to stuff I must consume so as not to starve.

But if my grocery store were inhabited entirely by kitties? Oh, I’d be there every day with bells on. Literally, bells. Because I presume they’d all stop what they’re doing and come play with them. You might even say they’d definitely get meow’t of the house.

This commercial for German grocery chain Netto, first spotted at Ad Week, imagines just such a scenario, except it doesn’t stop there: these are all knock-offs of Internet-famous cats. Surprised Kitty, Keyboard Cat, NoNoNo Cat, Grumpy Cat and more get impersonated in this spot, which somehow imagines the funny felines are actually disciplined enough not to have all headed straight to the toilet paper aisle and shredded it like it was wheat in a Nabisco cereal. Maybe the director just wasn’t enough of a cat person to…


Well, ooookay then! Never mind! I bow to the Krazy Kat King.

If you can sprechen Deutsch, there’s a making-of video too.

How many cat impersonations did you count in the commercial? Name ’em off on comments and let me see how many I might have missed!


images: Netto

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