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Gerard Way Enters the EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE!

Marvel’s Edge of Spider-Verse concludes with issue 5, and the publisher has announced the very interesting creative team they’ve assembled for the final issue: My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way will be joined by artist Jake Wyatt to introduce the government-created SP//dr.

This morning, Marvel released an unlettered preview of the October finale as well as excerpts from their interview with The Umbrella Academy creator Way about his plot for his “futurist New York”-set issue.

“SP//dr is comprised of three vital components: a pilot, a machine, and a radioactive sentient spider acting as one half of the brain that makes it all work,” Way told Marvel.

There’s a little Evangelion in there, with the introduction of orphan Peni Parker, who’s adopted by SP//dr project heads Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Apparently, Peni’s the only one that can pilot the dang thing, and they drop her right in it – which is great, because Spider-Man villain Morlun is on the way, and someone needs to stop him.

This would mark Way’s first-ever Marvel work. Besides two chapters of The Umbrella Academy (with a third on the way sometime soon, the writer promised somewhere or other – I need to dig up that interview), Way has been a Dark Horse man for a couple of years now, also releasing The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys with artist Becky Cloonan, which served as a tie-in to his band’s most recent album before the start of their hiatus.

Interestingly, his Edge of Spider-Verse issue and Killjoys both focus on young, orphaned girls whose worlds are under threat. We’ll see if Peni survives hers this October.

Images: Marvel

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  1. NerdMacDaddy says:

    It’s weird to see the name Peni with an apostrophe ‘s.’
    Because penis.