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George R.R. Martin’s THE ICE DRAGON to Be Adapted by Warner Bros.

The closest we might ever get to seeing an ice dragon on Game of Thrones‘ is the Night King’s wight dragon Viserion, who despite having much in common with the legendary frozen beasts isn’t truly one. But soon we’ll get to see one of George R.R. Martin‘s frozen creatures on the big screen, just not in Westeros, because a story of his that predates A Song of Ice and Fire is getting its own animated adaptation.

Deadline reports Warner Bros. Animation Group will adapt the author’s 1980 children’s story The Ice Dragon, with Martin serving as a producer on the film. The story tells the tale of a young girl with a fondness for winter who befriends an ice dragon; she lives in a medieval fantasy world where warring factions fight each other on the backs of their fleet of fire-breathing dragons. Although it sounds reminiscent of the Seven Kingdoms, it takes place in a different universe, notably one with a consistent calendar where winter arrives roughly the same time each year.

The Ice Dragon got an updated re-release a few years ago, and even though it is not connected to Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, it proved helpful in trying to understand what we could expect when Viserion become the newest member of the White Walker army on Game of Thrones.

While an animated ice dragon might not seem as exciting as the big budget CGI dragons of HBO, the children’s story involves a massive number of regular (ha,”regular”) dragons, and might only be feasible to adapt as a cartoon. Not that we’re complaining, especially because we hope it will prove successful enough it inspires HBO to make its own animated Game of Thrones’ spin-off we desperately want.

Besides, we’ll take any and all forms of ice dragons we can get.

Are you familiar with the story? Do you think an animated adaptation will work? Fly into our comments and tell us what you think.

Featured Image: Tom Doherty Associates, Tor Teens/Luis Royo

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