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George R.R. Martin’s “Not A Blog” Has Left LiveJournal

Anyone who desperately worries about when George R.R. Martin will, if ever, finish writing the last two books in his A Song of Ice and Fire series knows the number one place to go for updates from the author himself has always been his “Not A Blog” LiveJournal page. And that’s despite the fact it has long been the definitive source to not get any information about the books, but plenty of thoughts about the NFL’s Giants and Jets. But in a shocking move befitting his novels, Martin has killed it by abandoning LiveJournal–ten years after everyone else did.

To mark this sad occasion we wanted to say goodbye to the internet’s most frustrating blog with a eulogy befitting everything it gave us over the years.

Fellow readers, fans, and entertainment writers looking for some of that sweet #content, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of a LiveJournal account that never gave us what we really wanted, but always kept us coming back for more, like Charlie Brown thinking this time Lucy wouldn’t pull the football away.

But before I continue, I just want to say the Indianapolis Colts are in a great position in this year’s quarterback-heavy draft because they don’t need a QB, so they trade off that number six pick for a ransom and restock their roster with extra picks, or stay and draft the best non-QB, allowing them to still get great value.

Sorry, where was I? Oh, yes. I have no idea when The Winds of Winter will be coming out, and if anyone asks about it in the comment section it will be promptly deleted.

What won’t be deleted is any question about what awesome excursion or swanky party George R.R. Martin will be attending next. Or what other, totally NOT A Song of Ice and Fire project he will be adding to his very busy schedule. And feel free to inquire about any movie festivals he might be organizing in New Mexico.

As for LiveJournal, it’s not actually going anywhere. Don’t worry about it deleting all of those embarrassing high school poems you wrote years ago. And in fact, Martin’s “Not A Blog’ isn’t even really gone, he just moved it to it’s own domain, where we are confident it will continue to be about…hold on, let me just check. Yup, the last thing he wrote was about the NFL.

As those on the Iron Islands say, what is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger. And that’s why we still know where to go to NOT find out when the ****ing books will be done.

How will you remember Martin’s LiveJournal page? Tell us in the comments below.

Images: NBC, HBO

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