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Gearbox Calls For Help On Next BORDERLANDS Title

During the Gearbox panel at PAX South, the studio’s CEO Randy Pitchford made it rather clear that his team is ready to start on the next entry in the Borderlands series. Let it be known: there’s definitely another Borderlands game on the way, and the folks at Gearbox are looking to stack their team full of all-stars for this next installment. Randy Pitchford took to twitter today to summon anyone considered to be an “industry badass” for help working on the Borderlands game that he considers to be “the big one.”

Everything from writers, to engine programmers are being scouted by the Dallas-based studio, in hopes to make the most massive Borderlands experience to date. Anyone who has aspired to work at the prestigious game studio may want to follow through on their social media “help wanted” posting as soon as possible.

Given the the success of the previous Borderlands games and the extreme desire from fans to see another one, it was only a matter of time before job postings or domain name registrations outed the existence of a new one in the works. Perhaps Randy Pitchford felt he might as well kill two birds with one stone and let the cat out of the bag, while also calling for help from some of the industries finest. Regardless of the true reasoning behind Pitchford’s tweet, you have to admit that seeing the head of Gearbox refer to the next Borderlands game as “the big one” made you soil your pants a little bit. Admit it!

Okay, maybe that was just me…

[HT: Twitter]

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  1. Crap2343 says:

    Let us play as Tiny tina