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Garfunkel & Oates Remind Us Losers Are Okay!

The ladies of Garfunkel & Oates have an adorable new animated music video for your eyeballs, and it has a super important message for everyone to remember: “It’s better to be a loser than a spectator.”

Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome have been charming audiences online and off with their tongue-in-cheek comedic melodies for years, and this one is no exception. Who hasn’t tried their hardest and still just not quite made it? These things happen, but it’s important to remember that you can never give up. We’re loving the cute animated style of this new video and the different lifestyles and people that the ladies tell to just keep trying.

Garfunkel & Oates are actually on tour in this last part of 2014, so if you’re in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Florida, Louisiana or Massachusetts, you should make sure to catch one of their shows. Hopefully they will be playing things like “The Ex-Boyfriend Song” (because who doesn’t have a song about their ex?), “My Apartment’s Very Clean Without You” (obvious reasons), and “Pregnant Women are Smug” (they really really can be!). After the end of the first season of their IFC show Garfunkel and Oates, the ladies have also stopped by places like Comedy Bang! Bang! to rock out with Reggie Watts on their rock flute and ukulele.

So whether you’re trying to get yourself out on the dating scene, wanting to nail that presentation at work, or making your way through your first road race, remember that it’s better to fail than not try at all. That’s what the ladies of Garfunkel & Oates would want you to do.

Tell us your favorite Garfunkel & Oates song in the comments below!

Image: IFC

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  1. Brian says:

    I’d have to go with “Handjob, Blandjob, I Don’t Understand Job.” any song that mention Chris Hardwick, Will Wheaton, and Isaac Asimov has to be brilliant. 

  2. Shannon says:

    I love most of their stuff, but I actually did a spit take when I heard “The Loophole”.

  3. Joey says:

    Sports! Go Sports!

  4. Guess Australians aren’t good enough to watch this…thanks geogating censors