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Gaming Daily: WATCH DOGS Gets Bad Blood, CALL OF DUTY: ADVANCED WAREFARE Survival Mode, FIFA 15 Bug

It’s now autumn, and I am quite excited. Not only do I get to partake in my annual stepping-of-the-crunchy leaves festivities, but we’re also closer to the holiday fury of new game releases! In the meantime, however, there’s still a lot of teases out there, all of which have me salivating for more! Read on to see what we’ve got for Wednesday’s edition of Gaming Daily.

Watch Dogs Bad Blood Launch Trailer

In honor of Watch Dog‘s latest expansion, Bad Blood, Ubisoft has released a launch trailer that will leave you forgetting about that hacker Aiden Pierce. Why? Because we are reintroduced to the eccentric T-Bone, who’s basically a hairier version of Grand Theft Auto V‘s Travis with lots more explosive toys. Along with the new weapons, the expansion includes ten new missions, new locations, and co-op play. If you have a Season Pass to Watch Dogs, you can pick up the expansion now. Those of you who don’t will have to wait until September 30.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare‘s Exo Survival Mode Revealed

When I first saw a demo of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, I was pretty excited at the new tech featured in the game, and now we get a glimpse at the futuristic shooter’s newest game mode, Exo Survival Co-op mode. It could be compared to the franchise’s previous Spec Ops, Zombies, and Extinction modes, but includes a lot more high-flying action and explosive kills. Anyone else excited to try their luck at squashing enemies like Goombas? Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare releases on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC on November 4.

FIFA 15‘s Free-For-All Glitch

It looks like the latest iteration of FIFA has quite a few of their players looking to headbutt one another. Well, sort of. On kickoff, the FIFA 15 glitch makes all the players, including the goalkeepers, run towards the center of the field, rendering the game unplayable unless you’re looking to score some pretty easy goals. While it is pretty amusing to watch, those who’ve spent $60 on the game may not find it so funny. Here’s to hoping that EA figures out a fix for it soon.

And that’s your hump day gaming news wrap-up. If you’ve run into a glitch or two yourself that’s worthy of at least 5 minutes of mindless entertainment, share with us in the comments below! Or you can give our very own Gaming Editor, Malik Forte, a shout out on the Twitters @Malik4play to discuss all things games. Likewise, you can holler at me @LinkSmash.

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  1. rush says:

    “Grand Theft Auto V‘s Travis with lots more explosive toys.” don’t you mean trevor?