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Gaming Daily: UNCHARTED 4 Will Include Multiplayer, AI Partner

I know what a lot of you have been raving about today: that limited edition Majora’s Mask bundle tho! But hold your horses, ladies and gentlemen, there’s still a lot of drool-worthy gaming news out in the fray today. If you’re a fan of the Uncharted game series, Assassin’s Creed Unity, or third-party game peripherals, you might want to continue on down into the wonderful world of Tuesday’s Gaming Daily.


Uncharted 4 multiplayer is a go!

The next issue of Game Informer will have a big feature on Uncharted 4, and details are already being scavenged from the publications yet-to-be-released piece. One of the most glaring details to emerge from what we know so far: the inclusion of multiplayer in Uncharted 4. Though this isn’t a huge surprise when considering that Naughty Dog‘s last 2 installments of Uncharted (as well as The Last of Us) all included multiplayer components, but it’s definitely a sigh of relief for folks, like myself, who are huge fans of the multiplayer component.

Also, Uncharted 4 will adopt a companion-like style of gameplay similar to that of The Last of Us. Naughty Dog wanted to test the waters narratively by pairing players with a highly capable AI character–a stern deviation from past Naughty Dog single player experiences. The AI controlled character is Sam (voiced by Troy Baker), Nathan Drake’s long lost brother who shows up three years after the events of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, and just in time to pull him out of his happily-ever-after life with Elena. You can also expect to see Sully and the same ole Uncharted charm that you’ve grown accustomed to. No mention, however, of Chloe or any of the other fan favorite characters as of yet.

[HT: Gematsu]

Assassin’s Creed: Unity gets free DLC next week.

Ubisoft is continuing to take strides toward making up for their Assassin’s Creed: Unity misstep of late last year–this time by releasing the game’s first DLC expansion free of charge. The brand new Dead Kings DLC expansion takes place following the events of the game’s main campaign, and will put players back in the shoes of Arno Dorian as he explores the caverns of deceased French royalty.

Dead Kings will be available on PC and Xbox One January 13, and will hit the PS4 the following day on January 14. Good on you, Ubisoft, for releasing this DLC to for free to fans as an apology to consumers. Ubisoft recently gave out a free games to anyone who purchased ACU and experienced problems. Folks have been giving them a hard time as of late, but at least they’ve showed some signs of humility and fairness.


Nyko introduces interesting PS4 peripherals set for 2015 release.

Outside of headsets, the third-party peripheral market in console gaming hasn’t quite made its way into the fold as of yet. You can thank the many hardware restrictions next-gen consoles are manufactured with for this. Even so, some of gaming’s most reputable third-party accessory companies are coming out of the woodwork at CES with new creations for the new age of gaming.

Nyko created a new accessory called “Data Bank” that allows PS4 owners to install 3.5″ HDD units into their console. This will allow for cheaper and larger hard drive installations. This theoretically could be done without this “Data Bank” gizmo and with a little bit of messy wiring, but Nyko certainly offers a cleaner-looking solution to folks looking for more HDD options.

Also unveiled at CES, is Nyko’s QWERTY solution for the Dual Shock 4. Similar to the Xbox’s chat pad, Nyko’s “Type Pad” syncs to the bottom of the Dual Shock 4 and can rest there as players play games. This should definitely come in handy in the many massive online games like Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Warframe, and DC Universe Online.

[HT: Kotaku]

That about wraps it for Tuesday’s Gaming Daily. Always keep it parked here on Nerdist for all of the juicy video game developments, and to chat about our beloved medium, I’m only one tweet away: @Malik4play.

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  1. kerrell says:

    I can’t wait to get my issue of Game Informer. I’m very excited for the new uncharted. Looking forward to reading about it.