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Gaming Daily: TUROK And TUROK 2 to Make a Return

Big news is starting to trickle out the closer we get to PAX Prime, which happens to be only a couple of days away. Cliff Bleszinski has already announced that his newest title is called LawBreakers, and there’s sure to be much more awesome news to come during the weekend. This week also saw the release of a bunch of great titles, including Mega Man Legacy Collection, Until Dawn, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Dishonored: Definitive Edition, and Madden NFL 16. It has indeed been a great week for video games. Now onto the news of the day.

In today’s Gaming Daily: Turok and Turok 2 are being remastered for PC, LawBreakers is Boss Key’s first game, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will launch on PC 4 weeks after console versions, Rise of the Tomb Raider has a nifty new collector’s edition, and The Witcher 3 sells 6 million copies in 6 weeks.


Turok and Turok 2 are being remastered for PC.

Prepare for some Dino-goodness because Popular titles Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil are currently being remastered for PC by Night Dive Studios. These titles originally released way back in 1997 for PC and then 2 years later for Nintendo 64, so as expected, these new versions will feature some graphical upgrades along with some extra improvements. I’m not sure how well it will hold up, but hey, Dinosaurs.

Night Dive Studios CEO Stephen Kick had the following praise to share for the original games, “When Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was first released it was nothing short of revolutionary. To that point, no game had ever offered the combination of graphics and an open world environment that Turok featured. We are very excited to have the opportunity to bring this great franchise back to life and to be able to share these great titles with today’s gaming audience.” Some screenshots were also released for your viewing pleasure.


No date has been announced yet, but you’ll be able to purchase both titles at the following digital locations: Steam, the Humble Store, GoG, GamersGate, Greenman Gaming, and the Night Dive Studios website.

It’s been a good minute since these games originally launched, so it will be interesting to see how they’ll look with a shiny new paint job. I know remasters are now loathed, but at least these games are old enough to warrant the remaster treatment. Peep the rest of the images in the gallery below.

HT: VG24/7

LawBreakers is Cliff Bleszinski’s newest game.

As promised, Cliff Bleszisnki’s studio, Boss Key has announced their first title, LawBreakers. Here’s a quick rundown: after the moon goes kaput, Earth has a rough time, forcing mankind to rebuild. The catastrophic event is known as “The Shattering”, which is what the studio was teasing yesterday. Unfortunately gravity never returns to normal, opening the door for drug cartels to combine for some gravity manipulation trouble. That’s where the law enforcers come in, they are tasked with shutting down these foes. It will be a free-to-play, five-versus-five online shooter. Peep the announcement trailer above. The gameplay reveal will commence Friday. You know we will be all over that.

HT: Nerdist 

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PC version of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will release 4 weeks after console versions.

Lessons have been learned. According to Ubiblog, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will launch November 19 on PC, almost 4 weeks after the Xbox One and PS4 versions. The team plans to take advantage of the extra time to optimize the game for mouse and keyboard gamers.

“We have introduced several new improvements to our production pipeline and validation process, which allowed us to focus on polishing, stabilizing and optimizing the PC version very early on in the project,” said Sam Kovalev, Studio Production Manager at Ubisoft Kiev.

Ubisoft really deserves to be applauded for this. More publishers/developers need to realize that a working, and polished product is worth a minor delay. It may still be for the best to wait on Syndicate, just to make sure it doesn’t launch with as many glitches as last years  Assassin’s Creed Unity, or worse, the PC port of Batman: Arkham Knight.

HT: Ubisoft 

Tomb Raider Collector

Collectors edition of Rise of the Tomb Raider includes Lara statue.

Square Enix has announced a sweet collector’s edition for their upcoming Rise of the Tomb Raider which includes a 12′ Lara Croft statue with all of her gear on. It will also include a replica of Lara’s journal, her jade necklace, a collectible steel case, and the game itself. None of this comes cheap, however, as the whole package will set you back $150. It’s worth it if you’re really into the series. Plus, that statue looks pretty fly.

HT: Nerdist

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt sells 6 million copies in first 6 weeks.

It’s been a great year for CD Projekt Red, not only has The Witcher 3 received critical acclaim, but now the team has announced that 6 million copies of the game have been sold in the first 6 weeks. Simple math will tell you it’s 1 million copies a week. Those are impressive numbers for any game. Studio head, Adam Badowski released the following letter for fans:

Hey Gamers!

Time does fly! These few months since launch passed faster than you can say potestaquisitor. We’ve been hard at work delivering you new content, fixing what needed to be fixed, and secretly plotting how to rock this boat we call the RPG genre even more. We’ve just concluded our shareholder conference where we announced that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt family got a bit bigger — we sold over 6 million copies of the game in six weeks since launch. Worry not, I won’t discuss any financial stuff here. I would, however, like to give you some insight on what that means to us as game creators.

One could think we have six million reasons to be happy and that’s it. We do, but that number is also a big responsibility and I want everyone to know that we, as a studio, realize that. For us, all your high praise, all the positive reviews, are also an obligation — we’ve made a really good game but there’s still a long road ahead of us. Everyone here in CD PROJEKT RED is really attached to their work and how you, the gamers, perceive it. RED is full of artists, wild dreamers and people crazy about what they do (and sometimes just plain crazy). We lose sleep over that particular color the sun has when it sets over Velen, and argue over arranging the furniture in a house the majority of gamers will probably never see. We’re not the kind of people who are easily satisfied and we always strive for more. I’d like you to know that.

Yes, six million copies is a great achievement for a company making RPGs, but this business is not only about that. If our games are a gallery of sound, picture and text – you are the visitors of this gallery. To an artist, there’s no sweeter sight than people enjoying their work. That’s why, in the name of all the devs in the studio, I’d like to say thanks to each and every one of you.


All 16 pieces of free DLC have already been released, and there’s still the two massive expansions, so expect this train of success to continue full-steam ahead. All we need now is a mobile Gwent title. We got to talk to a couple of good people from the team at this years Comic-Con, and it sounds like they really want to do it. They just need to figure out if it makes sense for them, and if they can do it the right way.

HT: Gameinformer

That’s all the news for today, folks. Don’t forget to relax a bit, and play some video games. Are you planning on returning to Turok? Do you think it will still be fun? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credit: Night Dive Studios


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