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Gaming Daily: This Cool Mod Brings Co-op to SKYRIM

It feels weird starting off one of these posts without pointing out how far away from E3 we are. But alas, the biggest gaming event of the year has finally come and gone, and we’re still trying to process all of the greatness we saw during the press conferences, Nintendo’s Direct, and the demos (both hands on and off) we saw on the show floor. In one week’s time we had the pleasure of checking out Gears of War Ultimate Edition, The Last Guardian, Horizon: Zero Dawn, LEGO Dimensions, Star Wars: Battlefront, Uncharted 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider and even Halo 5.  We gave our impressions on all of those and gave out our best of E3 awards which you can check out here.

While E3 is definitely a tough act to follow, there is still a ton of stuff going on in its wake. In today’s Gaming Daily, a mod allows you to play cooperatively with friends in Skyrim, Phantom Dust isn’t dead yet, a smaller New Nintendo 3DS might be making its way to North America, Shenmue 3 details emerge, and the launch trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight arrives prior to tomorrow’s release.

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There’s a mod that allows you to explore Skyrim with a friend.

It’s been a couple of years since Skyrim launched, and it seems people are still finding ways to make it even better with mods. There is one in particular that hit the web a couple of days ago that allows you to cooperatively trek through Skryim’s Tamriel with a buddy. Sure, there are similar mods out there, but this one in particular–which at the moment doesn’t allow you to enter battles together–is an interesting glimpse at what multiplayer would look like for the game.

The mod itself is called “Tamriel Online”, and is a first time mod made by reddit user Siegre. The creator notes that the mod is nowhere near ready, but that he’s in need of players to help test it out and weed out the bugs. Several fixes have already been implemented in the mod that has only been in development for a few weeks.

If you’re looking to try it out, the video at the top of the page as well as the creator’s reddit page give brief instructions explaining how to download it, and get your friends to join.

HT: Reddit 

The Batman Arkham: Knight Launch Trailer was released.

What a nice way to cleanse our palettes after the week of E3 madness. With the final chapter in Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham Knight franchise out tomorrow, the developer has released an epic launch trailer for the game. Check out the trailer above and our full post on the video to learn more about what’s coming for the caped crusader.

Via Nerdist

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Reggie teases a North American Release of a smaller New Nintendo 3DS

As of right now, only the XL version of the New Nintendo 3DS has made it to North America, but there are indications that the smaller version might make an appearance here as well. In a recent interview Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aimé did with Kotaku, the Ninty boss hinted that this may be the case.

When asked about the possibility he stated, “So we’ve got nothing to announce here,” He continued, “We’ve certainly taken note of all of the readers and consumers that expressed desire for the base model.”

When asked why both models hadn’t come to the U.S. he teased, “We analyzed the results in Japan and saw the lion’s share of the volume was on the XL model, and that’s with no 2DS existing in the Japanese market. And so as we thought about: ‘What’s the best line-up for us?’ We thought the new XL and 2DS would be our best line-up. Not going to make any promises but, you know, I would suggest to your readers that they stay tuned and maybe some special SKUs might show up.”

That’s a pretty big tease, Reggie. It would definitely be exciting to see the smaller model make the leap over the pond, especially because the ability to change the faceplate makes it so customizable.

HT: Kotaku



New Shenmue 3 details emerge.

I still can’t believe this is really going to happen, can you? After years of jokes, Sony proved us wrong in multiple areas during their press conference this year (cough* The Last Guardian, and Final Fantasy 7 remake cough*) including the announcement of Shenmue 3. Yes, it’s coming and yes, we have a couple more details regarding the Kickstarter. Creator Yu Suzuki teased that if the title reaches $10 million in backing, the game will “truly have the features of an open world”. Find out what else he said in our full post on the matter.

HT: Nerdist

Phantom Dust

Phantom Dust isn’t quite dead, but doesn’t have a developer.

Aside from an announcement during E3 last year, we haven’t heard much about the Xbox One exclusive Phantom Dust. Things took a turn for the worse a couple of months back when Microsoft shut down the studio Darkside Games who was in the midst of developing the game While we were ensured that the game was still in development, Xbox Marketing Head Aaron Greenburg revealed to Gamertag Radio that the game doesn’t even have a developer at the moment.

When asked about the game, he responded, “We’re currently exploring what we’re going to do longer-term with Phantom Dust. The project is not canceled, but we don’t have an active developer on it right now.” He explained, “It’s a project that, like many things, will take a little more time, but at this point we’re not giving any more updates on it.”

I suppose there is still hope for the game, but it sounds like we’re going to have to wait a while before we hear more.

HT: Gamertag Radio





Comic Book Day: Talking SEX with Joe Casey

Comic Book Day: Talking SEX with Joe Casey
