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Gaming Daily: The Batmobile Is Coming to ROCKET LEAGUE

With the recent dispute between Naughty Dog and Ubisoft, the Pokémon Sun/Moon trademark excitement from yesterday, and the new Dark Souls III trailer, we’ve had quite the week. Don’t you agree? As we get closer to GDC (which takes place on March 14-18) and E3 (June 14-16), things are only going to get crazier. In today’s Gaming Daily, the Batmobile (the Batman v Superman version) is coming to Rocket League, Kyle Hill discussed the best starting Pokémon on Because Science, Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 are coming to PS4 and Xbox One, Pokémon Sun and Moon were announced by Nintendo, and Remedy Entertainment might be working on something called “Alan Wake‘s Return.”

Batmobile Rocket League

Take to the Rocket League pitch in the Batmobile!

If you thought being able to drive the DeLorean Time Machine was cool, wait until you get a load of this news. Hot off the heels (erm, wheels) of the physical release news from this week, Psyonix has revealed that the Batmobile is coming to Rocket League on March 8! On top of that, the developer also released a trailer (at the top of the page) showcasing the vehicle in action.

Yeah, seeing a flaming bat signal emerge after making a goal is pretty badass if you ask me. The version of the iconic vehicle will be releasing alongside three antenna flags (one each for Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman) at a reasonable price point of $1.99. Will you be picking it up?

HT: Rocket League


Kyle Hill discusses which starting Pokémon you should choose (according to data).

If you’re like us, you’ve probably put way too much thought into which starting pocket monster you choose at the beginning of a Pokémon game. It turns out, the decision has more weight than you probably thought. On this week’s Because Science, our own science guru Kyle Hill tackled the topic using data. Watch the video above to find out who you should pick once Pokémon Red and Blue releases on the 3DS eShop this weekend!

HT: Nerdist


Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 are coming to Xbox One and PS4.

Just when you though the number of Resident Evil games couldn’t get even more confusing! Capcom revealed yesterday that three Resident Evil remasters on the way. In case you weren’t keeping track, Resident Evil and Resident Evil 0 have already made the trek to the next generation of consoles, and a Resident Evil 2 remake is already in development.

The madness will kick off with the release of the Resident Evil 6 remaster on March 29, which will be followed by Resident Evil 5 in summer 2016, and Resident Evil 4 in fall. All three titles will be available for both PS4 and Xbox One for only $19.99.

We’re not quite sure why they’re releasing them in reverse order. But, other than that, we’re hoping Capcom has more in store for the franchise’s 20th anniversary. The Pokémon Company has been knocking it out of the park with their own festivities, it’s time for Capcom to catch up.

HT: PushSquare

Pokemon Sun and Moon FEAT

Nintendo Direct announces Pokémon Sun and Moon.

Just in case you haven’t heard already, Nintendo hosted a special Pokémon-themed Direct on Friday morning at 7 a.m. PST. With 20th anniversary celebration also underway this weekend, fans across the globe had put a lot of energy into speculating about what the company planned on announcing. Following the reveal of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon trademarks and logos (pictured above) online yesterday, Nintendo used the Direct to announce the titles as two upcoming Pokémon games, which will be functionally interactive with your old versions and available in multiple languages! For more info, check out our full story via the link below.

HT: Nerdist

Alan Wake

Remedy Entertainment trademarks “Alan Wake’s Return.”

Speaking of trademarks, Remedy Entertainment has registered the title “Alan Wake’s Return” in Europe. The news came to light (as per usual) thanks to a NeoGAF post. A user named ekim shared their findings on the site, along with screenshots of the trademark in question—which is still available at the time of writing.

Though the developer has yet to comment on the matter, creative director Sam Lake previously stated in an interview with Game Informer, that returning to the series is “an option down the line.” With Quantum Break slated to release on April 5, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see the developer return to the Bright Falls. It also wouldn’t be a surprise to see some sort of HD remaster (bundled with DLC) to release under that title. Anything’s possible!


That’s it for today’s Gaming Daily. Keep Nerdist tabbed for upcoming gaming news, reviews, and features. In the mood to discuss what you read? Join the conversation on Facebook, or start one up with me on Twitter: @Samantha_Sofka

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