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Gaming Daily: Telltale’s GAME OF THRONES Title Will Launch in 2014

Some of us may still be recovering from the lack of sleep induced by our 24 Extra Life campaign over the weekend, but even so, the show must go on. Today’s recap features some news on the Game Of Thrones title from Telltale Games, the long awaited X-Wing and Tie Fighter rereleases, and a roundup of Sunset Overdrive review scores. All of that and more in today’s edition of Gaming Daily.


Telltale’s Game of Thrones title will hit by the end of this year.

With The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead: Season Two over and complete, everyone’s been wondering if we’d be getting our next Telltale Games fix any time soon. We know Tales From The Borderlands is on the way, but what about the Game of Thrones title that the developers have been super hush-mode about? An important factor to answering this question has been sitting on twitter for the last few days:


So it looks like we can definitely expect to see this game premiere before 2015 hits, according to Telltale Games Community and PR Specialist Laura Perusco. This is worthy of an epic fist pump, mainly because everyone thought this game was quite a ways from seeing the light of day. Telltale has been more quiet than normal about promoting this game, which may be because of the biggest Game of Thrones problem that exists for the television series: spoilers. I imagine we’ll be hearing more about this in the coming weeks, but would advise an indefinite twitter hiatus for anyone who is sensitive about any of the plot being revealed.

[HT: Videogamer, Twitter]


X-Wing and Tie Fighter to finally get a digital rerelease.

Fans of the old school Star Wars video games know how important this is. After two decades, the folks at Good Old Games are finally making it happen. A listing, which has since been taking down, appeared on the website earlier today showing the game priced at $10 a piece on Steam. No release date to go along with the news, but I’m sure Nerd Alert’s Kim Horcher is very pleased as this was the first game she wanted to see continued during her guest appearance on Nerdist: Play. Good call, Kim!

[HT: NeoGAF]


Sunset Overdrive slides its way to great reviews.

The reviews are in for Insomniac Games‘ Xbox One exclusive title Sunset Overdrive, and they are looking quite impressive, especially for a brand new I.P. Of course, I didn’t expect anything less from the makers of the Ratchet & Clank, Spyro, and Resistance franchises. Here’s a look at some of the numbers from across the web:

US Gamer: 4.5/5
Polygon: 9/10
GamesRadar: 4/5
Joystiq: 5/5
Eurogamer: 8/10
IGN: 9.0
Destructoid: 8.5/10

And just like that, the Xbox One has found its first next-gen exclusive console mover. That’s right: Sunset Overdrive is totally worth picking up an Xbox One for, more so than even Titanfall, which was believed to be the second coming of Call of Duty before it launched. Be sure to stay tuned to our twitch channel this week for more Sunset Overdrive gameplay if you want to know what this game is all about.

PlayStation 4 Firmware 2.0 is on its way tomorrow.

The PlayStation 4 update that users have been patiently waiting for will arrive tomorrow, and to get everyone ready for the new set of features on the way, Sony has released a video showing of firmware 2.0s robust amount of additions coming to the console. Two things about this video made my heart sing: one of them being the ability to customize your live broadcasting settings while streaming (we love streaming here at Nerdist), and the other being the powerful voice of PlayStation’s own Andrew Kelly narrating this video (use him in more stuff, Sony!).

[HT: PlayStation Youtube]

Alright folks, that’s your daily dose of gaming goodness. Make sure you stay tuned here on Nerdist for all of your breaking video game news, to talk about our beloved medium, or to just chat on Twitter. I’m only one tweet away: @Malik4play.

Images: HBO, LucasArts

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