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Gaming Daily- PSYCHONAUTS 2 Could Influence A BRUTAL LEGEND Sequel

We’ve got another week of video game craziness ahead of us with the holidays coming up, so let’s not waste any time getting into the latest news. In tonight’s Gaming Daily, we’ll be taking a look at Double Fine‘s recent Brutal Legend tease, Minecraft is making its way to Wii U, Max Payne making its way to PS4 and more.


Brutal Legend 2 is very much a possibility

Rock on, Eddie Riggs. Double Fine offered up some extreme fan service last week when they announced Psychonauts 2 during the Game Awards. They followed that up by unveiling their official crowd-funding initiative for the game, which has already raised 60% of the money necessary to reach its goal of $3.3 million. Now, the company has hinted at the possibility of them bringing back another one of their cult classics, Brutal Legend.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the Psychonauts 2 campaign page, you’ll notice a batch of frequently asked questions with answers from Double Fine. One of these makes an interesting mention of Brutal Legend. The blurb reads as follows:

“We’ve always said that we wanted to make sequels to both Psychonauts and Brutal Legend,” wrote Double Fine. “We can’t make any promises but if Psychonauts is a success for us, then perhaps Brutal Legend 2 will be more possible?”

Somewhere out there, Jack Black is smiling at this prospect.

HT: VG247

Is going episodic a good idea for Final Fantasy VII Remake?

Final Fantasy VII Remake looks great and all, but can it flourish as an episodic game? This is the question of the day, and what Jessica Chobot and I discussed on today’s episode of Nerdist News. Watch as we break down Square Enix’s approach to the highly anticipated reboot of FFVII.

HT: Nerdist

Minecraft finally heads to the Wii U

Captain Obvious can finally take a deep breath now after 3 years of yelling into Nintendo’s ear to make this happen. Minecraft is finally coming to the Wii U on December 17. Given the target audience of this game, its quite baffling that this took so long. Some may counter my sentiment on this with the fact that Microsoft, a Nintendo Competitor in the console market, owns Minecraft. But the game is on pretty much every other platform under the sun, including PlayStation. But, I digress–let’s applaud the Big N for getting this done, and focus on what’s to come.

The Wii U version of Minecraft will come with the Battle & Beasts skin pack, the Natural Texture pack, the City Texture pack and the Festive Mash-up pack, with 16 other packs being available for purchase in the eShop. And yes, you can expect Nintendo-related content to be added to the game as well. Creepers and Goombas living in harmony? Sounds like Mario’s worst nightmare.

HT: Mojang

Uncharted 4 Dialogue

What you missed during the PlayStation Experience Keynote

PlayStation’s second annual community convention went down over the weekend, and we’ve got all of the announcements condensed into one place for you. Not only did Sony introduce us to a huge new feature being added to the Uncharted series, but they also shed light on next Ni No Kuni title–a huge announcement for fans of Japanese RPGs. Check out our full write up here on Nerdist.

HT: Nerdist


Max Payne PS4 ratings leak.

The original Max Payne may be amongst the batch of PS2 games that hit the PS4, according to an ESRB listing. Sony got caught sneaking PS2 emulation into the PS4 without making any mention of it a couple of weeks back, and there’s also been several other PS2 games showing up in ESRB listings in recent days.

There was nothing said of Sony’s PS2 plans for the PlayStation 4 during their keynote at PSX, which was a total shocker in my opinion. I imagine we’ll be getting more insight on the software/hardware side of the PlayStation 4 during CES next month. Fingers crossed that whatever they’re doing, it’s not an expensive cash grab like PlayStation Now has been. Give us some true backward compatibility, Sony!


That about wraps it for Monday’s Gaming Daily. Always keep it parked here on Nerdist for all of the juicy video game developments, and to chat about our beloved medium, I’m only one tweet away: @Malik4play.



TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap


