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Gaming Daily: New GRAND THEFT AUTO V Heist Trailer

Well, it’s been another busy Thursday in the gaming world, with the announcement of Rock Band’s imminent return, you may have missed all of the other exciting bits of news. Like always, we are here to rock your socks off with a groovy news roundup. In todays Gaming Daily: Grand Theft Auto V’s soon to be released online Heists gets a new trailer and screenshots, Notch Persson and Gabe Newell prove that making games can be a lucrative business strategy as they make Forbe’s List of Richest People on Earth, and PlayerPiano released a teaser trailer for a fan made The Legend of Zelda  film that gives us hope that a live-action Zelda can be good.

Grand Theft Auto V Heists gets a new Trailer 

The long awaited online heist mode for Grand Theft Auto V is less than a week away from finally releasing on current home consoles, so the excitement in the community is palpable. Just in case you weren’t onboard though, Rockstar has released a new teaser trailer, which is short and pretty darn sweet. Let the hype begin.

In the short 16 second teaser trailer, we get a lot of content. The whole video features voice over by somebody who is presumably the team leader, who starts to lay out the plan while we get to see it play out in the background. There is scuba diving, parachuting out of a helicopter, night vision break-ins, and of course, a masked character shooting a big gun as they make their escape. That is how you make the best out of a 16 second video.

The pressure is mounting for online heists to be as exciting as these trailers are making them out to look, because the fans may not be as forgiving after such a long wait.


Markus Persson and Gabe Newell make Forbe’s List of Richest People on Earth

Forbes released its yearly list of wealthiest people on Earth and two very familiar names made the list: Markus Persson (better known as Notch) and Gabe Newell tied for 1,415 richest people on Earth. Both are worth about 1.3 billion dollars, which can buy a whole lot of games, or in Notch’s case, makes somebody able to outbid Beyonce and Jay Z for a house. Go ahead Notch, go and brush your shoulders off.

Seeing two prevalent figures in the gaming world make this list may not be huge in the short term, but it certainly shows that video games can be as lucrative as any other businesses if done correctly. Now don’t go quitting your job yet–becoming a billionaire is still a difficult task.

Notch is, of course, known for the creation of Minecraft and recently selling Mojang to Microsoft certainly helped him make this list. Gabe is known for being the leader of Valve and Steam: now if only he would just release Half Life 3, he may just be higher on Forbe’s list.

Final Battle Between Link and Ganon gets recreated in live action teaser trailer

It looks like the Power Rangers aren’t the only ones getting fan-made films: Youtube channel PlayerPiano made a live-action teaser for a video that will release “soon,” recreating the final battle between Link and Ganon. The video is about 2 minutes long and doesn’t show any action, but what it does do is bring the world of The Legend of Zelda to life. It looks fantastic–we get to see Epona and Link as they ride to what looks like Ganon’s castle. Everything looks great and feels right.

The gritty short film of the Power Rangers by Joseph Kahn, though cool and gritty, did not necessarily fit the tone of what the series has been about. In what we get to see in these short 2 minutes of Zelda goodness, it seems to be more in tune with the source material’s tone. Another exciting aspect of this is that if a fan-made film can look this great and make us excited to watch a battle between Ganon and Link, the rumored Netflix series could be infinitely better with the type of budget they will be throwing around.

Well that is another Thursday here on The Nerdist. Let us know just how excited you are to go on heists with friends, your get rich quick schemes so you can be on Forbes’ list, and how excited are you are to watch a live action battle between Link and Ganon. Like always, Hyahh, your way to the comments section below and let us know what you think.

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

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