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Gaming Daily: Man Selling His Video Game Collection for $164,000

Today is Thursday, and you deserve a nice pat on the back, my friends. For you have traversed the steep mountain known as Wednesday and are now sliding downhill to the wonderful world of this weekend (and another day closer to Nerdoween). For your patience and fortitude, I present to you, the latest and greatest from he world of video games. Hold on to your couches!

Some guys wants to sell you his games for $164,000.

What means the world to you? Is it video games? If so, is it the experience of video games, or the physical ownership of them? If it’s the latter, than you may want to hit up our pal Nintendo Twizer, who’s selling his entire video game collection for $164,000. Apparently this dude has complete sets of every single title for the Super Nintendo, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64, GameCube, Virtual Boy, 32X, Sega Master System, Game Gear and NES (with the exclusion of Stadium Events). He also boasts an impressive collection of Sega Genesis games too, though I didn’t catch a Sega Nomad system documented on this master list. But that doesn’t matter, this still sounds like a deal to me!

[HT: Joystiq]


Capcom releases comparison shots for the new Resident Evil remake.

The new remake of the original Resident Evil game is getting a side-by-side comparison with the old remake of the original Resident Evil game. Say that five times very fast, why don’t you. From the looks of the side-by-side stills, it’s highly noticeable how much Capcom upscaled the graphics in the new remaster, though it’s still questionable whether or not it’s significant enough to warrant another remake. My hope is that they’d remaster the controls, especially with Resident Evil‘s PSX controller scheme not seeming the most desirable. I have faith in Capcom, mainly because they are the masters of re-releasing titles for quite some time, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone when this game comes out looking as good as it does. Oh Biohazard, baby, you so sexy.


Players will have to wait for the PS+ edition of Driveclub.

The retail versions of Driveclub have been experiencing some serious server issues since its release on Tuesday. In order to properly troubleshoot these problems, Evolution Studios has made the game time decision to hold off on releasing the PlayStation Plus edition of the game until service is repaired. The official announcement was made through the Driveclub Facebook page, stating that the studio was delaying the game and the game’s mobile companion app until they are happy with its server performance.

Yes, the game was originally slated to be available when the PlayStation 4 launched, but at least they’re taking their time to make sure the game is exceptionally operational when it does release. Considering that the game is being offered to PS Plus subscribers at no extra charge on top of their subscriptions, I think the mass of complainers should ease up with the entitled-sounding remarks, and be patient for what should become a better product with the extra time.

[HT: Driveclub Facebook]

And that’s it for this morning! We’ll be back this evening for the rest of Thursday’s developments, so be sure to stick around here on Nerdist for all of your breaking video game coverage, and to chat about our beloved medium, I’m only one tweet away: @Malik4play.

Images: Nintendo Twizer, Capcom, Driveclub Facebook

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  1. Jim says:

    If there was only one game in that lot that I had never completed: Stadium Events I think I’d have to complete it…

    • Malik Forté says:

      Stadium Events is a tough one to find though. More power to you if you get your hands on it

  2. Mark P says:

    If I had the money for that I’m not sure if I’d buy his set or have fun building my own collection, either way it’s an awesome collection he has and I can’t wait to read all of the PC Master Race and Virginity comments that are incoming