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Gaming Daily: Huge POKEMON Center Opens in Japan, Oculus Makes Two Interesting Aquisitions

With the holidays just around the corner, things have been a bit quiet on the news front. There are, however, a couple of things that happened today, and we’re here to bring them to you! In today’s Gaming Daily, a mega Pokémon Center has opened in Tokyo, Oculus VR made some nifty acquisitions and Chadtronic demonstrates how you can use a mod to control Super Smash Bros. Master Hand with your own gestures.

pokemon center

Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo now open.

If you ever find yourself in Japan, make sure to stop by the brand new Pokemon Center that just opened up in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro. The Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo–a fitting name considering it is the largest Pokemon– themed store in the world– features giant statues, collectibles, plushies, and all of the poke-swag you can get your hands on.

Today’s grand opening saw huge crowds of adults who Kotaku reports waited in line for around two hours just to get into the store. Aside from checking out the new location, the lucky visitors were able to purchase limited edition plush Pikachus dressed as Charizard, and several other figurines which unfortunately will leave the store come Monday morning.

[HT: Kotaku]

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Oculus VR made two interesting acquisitions. 

This week Oculus VR, the company responsible for the virtual reality Oculus Rift device, acquired both Nimble VR which specializes in hand tracking, and 13th Lab which works on real time 3D object construction. New York University professor Chris Bregler has also been brought on to lead a vision research team at Oculus.

Both Nimble VR and 13th Lab will make exciting contributions to the Oculus team as they offer an interesting way to interact with the virtual world sans controller. Though the Oculus Rift isn’t really accessible to the general public, it’s interesting to see where the company is headed.

Super Smash Bros. mod changes the way you play as Master Hand.

Though playing as Master Hand has been possible via cheats for a while, a new mod allows you to control it with your own hand. What? Yes. YouTube user Chadtronic utilized the Leap Motion and a tweaked version of the GameWAVE mod to manipulate the Master Hand with gestures.

“I control Master Hand by mapping hand gestures which then convert into key combinations that are mapped to the controls in [an emulator],” Chadtronic explained. “As you can see there is a small delay and lag between actions, but hey, I’m surprised I was able to do this at all frankly!”

Though a bit of lag is to be experienced, it is still pretty sweet to watch.

That’s it for today everybody! Keep Nerdist tabbed for all your gaming news, reviews and features.

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