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Gaming Daily: 2K Games Teases New Dystopian Game

Whether you’re celebrating Memorial Day at a barbecue or at home with a table full of snack food and a gaming controller in your hand, we’re assuming you’ve probably stayed away from the web for most of the day. So, as always, we’re here to keep you informed and up to date on today’s gaming news before the three-day weekend ends and we’re all headed off to the rest of the week. In today’s Gaming Daily, 2K Games teases a new dystopian game, a new Bloodborne patch drops the pesky level requirement for paired summoning, and Tanya is koming soon to Mortal Kombat X.

2K Game Tease 05252015

2K Teases New Game

E3 is a mere three weeks away, and as we get closer, developers are either remaining completely silent or dropping tidbits here and there to whet our appetites for future announcements. Thankfully, developer 2K Games is in the second category and has recently been teasing an eery new title set in a dystopian world I can’t help but compare to Bioshock‘s Rapture. According to previous tweets, the title is connected to something called “Advent Administration” which according to 2K “strives to create a world free from hunger, pain, sickness, and war”.

The pair of tweets shown below state, “Luxury for the privileged few is outdated. This is the future of urban living,” and are both paired with #ADVENT and a link to a mysterious website: Along with the text are two images that feature a brilliant cityscape featuring the phrase “Move in today and start living in the world of tomorrow.” While the short video in the second tweet features the same image, it quickly flashes red to reveal the sinister comment, “Move in today and fear the world of tomorrow!” Oooh.

Similarly, if you head over to the linked website, you’ll find the statement, “Advent gene therapy will free you from illness… Our citizens no longer fear the diseases and disabilities that plagued past generations. A complex and cutting edge system of DNA splicing has led to cures not only for the viruses and infections that for millennia haunted us, but for mental illnesses as well. Come discover an Illness free world with us.” Occasionally phrases like “prosper together,” “The Advent is lying to you,” and “We are still watching you,” pop up and tease a dark discovery you’ll make whilst playing the game.

While this is the only information released at the moment, I for one can’t wait to see what 2K has up their sleeves for E3 and hear more about the title.

HT: PC Gamer

Bloodborne MP Patch 05252015

Newest Bloodborne patch drops level requirement for password paired co-op

Praise the Paleblood Moon! Those who’ve been dying (get it, because you die a lot?) to tackle From Software’s Bloodborne with a pal will finally be able to do so without needing to be a certain level. If you’re unfamiliar, once you’ve snagged the small resonant bell and beckoning bell, you’ll be able to either be randomly matched up with another player or be directly paired with a buddy via password sharing. While the former still requires you to be within 10 levels of the other player, the level requirement for the latter is completely done away with, leaving you free to team up with whomever you choose.

This is big news, you guys! I think if you’ve attempted any of the chalice dungeons you know that going it alone is frustrating at times. Previously you could only summon a friend that was within ten levels of you, which was especially difficult for those who like to grind or decided to dive in before finishing the game. Since finding friends who even play Bloodborne is difficult enough to begin with, this patch is a nice change that allows you to at least summon those who do play regardless of level.

Additionally, the patch boasts a big increase in the amount of blood vials and quicksilver bullets you can keep in storage and drops the insight store requirement down from 10 insight to 1, which makes it show up sooner in the game.  Several other balancing tweaks have been made including reducing the stamina use of the fan favorite Kirkhammer and reducing the amount of bullets needed to use some of the firearms.

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to dive back in and finish up my platinum for the game.

HT: Gamespot

Tanya Mortal Kombat X DLC 05252015

Tanya DLC is koming soon.

While the recurring Kombatant Tanya was revealed as a DLC character back in January alongside Jason Vorhees, Predator, and Tremor, we weren’t given details as to when she’d be released. Well, according to a recent tweet by Ed Boon on Twitter, it looks like we’ll be seeing her in a few weeks. When asked about the famous fighter on Twitter, Boon replied with the following, “She’s koming soon, In early June, Or my name ain’t Boon.” You are a poet, Mr. Boon!

Tanya is part of the Kombat Pack which can be snagged either on its own, bundled with skins for Liu Kang, Sonya and Kano or with one of the collector’s editions. If you aren’t sure whether or not you want to empty out you pockets, you’ll eventually be able to test her out in a challenge tower similar to when the same thing was done with Jason.

HT: Twitter

That’s it for today, everybody! Keep Nerdist tabbed with all your upcoming gaming news, reviews and features.

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