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GAME OF THRONES/FORCE AWAKENS Mash-up Reveals Captain Phasma’s Origin

Why exactly is it that Captain Phasma is the only First Order Stormtrooper with that spiffy, shiny silver armor? Sure, it denotes her rank, but there must have been other Captains at Starkiller Base, and if there were, they did not chrome it up for show.

A new video by YouTuber levellord” has the answer, and it comes from another fan-favorite property that Gwendoline Christie just happens to be in. Because when you need to break down great walls and stand in Stark contrast on a planet of Snow, you don’t just want to Hound any old person into having some Iron thrown together. I mean, you don’t want the typical Stormtrooper armor that makes you one of many in a sea of White Walkers. By George, we are, are…

Nope. Sorry. Can’t make that one work. If I try to think of how to torture the English language badly enough to pun on the author’s name, I’ll take as long to write this blog post as he will to finish the next book (oooh, BURN!).

WHEN, not if (ya hear us, Disney?), Captain Phasma returns, maybe she can tell us an origin tale in her own words. In the meantime, this amusing bit of speculation “reveals” how she got her dueling duds.

Without her blaster, do you think Phasma could take Brienne of Tarth? Whose armor could best deflect lightsabers? Make your case for a victor in comments below.

Also, if you can think of a George R. R. Martin pun that’s suitably terrible, let me see your best shot at that, too.

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John Pinette, 1964-2014

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