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GAME OF THRONES’ Last Episode Did NOT Contain a Pickup Truck

Travel in Westeros used to take time–real, actual time. Characters had to obey the known laws of physics if they wanted to go somewhere, they couldn’t teleport across kingdoms. Ravens and dragons couldn’t reach the speed of jet planes, just like ships couldn’t hit the hyperdrive. But wait a minute–or like three seconds–did some Game of Thrones‘ viewers just figure out how everyone’s been zipping around so quickly this year?

Are they driving pickup trucks in Westeros now? Cause that’s definitely a truck in the background of this shot.

If so that’s an embarrassing gaffe, and one the internet is all over (we saw it at io9 and TV Guide, and even got some frantic texts from friends about it).

But it’s not true. You can go back and watch the episode (we did) and you’ll never see this shot from this angle because it’s not there. This is from a behind-the-scenes video from the making of “Beyond the Wall.” Watch the whole thing and you’ll see other trucks too, because they use them to make T.V.

Here’s the relevant part from it, where you can see both the pickup and a lighting screen.

Honestly, even if there had been truck in this episode it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal. It would have explained why people can zoom places now, plus it would have made more sense than how the Night King was in possession of those giant chains.

Have you ever spotted a real gaffe on the show? Share it with us in the comments below.

Images: HBO

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