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Could Bran Be GAME OF THRONES’ Greatest Hope or Biggest Weapon?

Editor’s Note: Alert! The following post contains Game of Thrones spoilers and a TON of speculation about fan theories — you’ve been warned.

Over the course of seven seasons, Bran Stark has transformed from broken boy to Three-Eyed Raven, becoming perhaps the most mysterious character in all of Game of Thrones. But what the heck does that mean: is it a mantle? An inheritance? Genetics? Prophetic? And how does an all-seeing tree-peeper factor into the Song of Ice and Fire and the Wars to Come? With his myriad gifts—to travel through time in his mind, warging into ravens and other things, being a very stone-faced mash-up of the four Beatles combined—Bran has turned out to be the low-key most important character in the series. Which makes sense… After all, the first chapter of the book (not counting the epilogue) was told from Bran’s point of view.

So what does his power mean for the Realm? There are so many theories we decided to take them directly to the source, actor Isaac Hemsptead-Wright, and see what he thought. Turns out? He’s a big fan of the time-traveling Bran paradox that posits he’s actually ALL of the Stark-blooded Brandon/Brendon/Brynden/Brans in history. Don’t get it? Take a page from Old Nan’s stories and get with it:

And, naturally, Bran’s abilities have us wondering about how he might be used as a weapon (because who said Minority Report couldn’t happen, magically, in Westeros?), and whether or not Sansa or Littlefinger will use this to the Realm’s detriment.

But what do you think? Could Bran have warged into every other Bran, ensuring the present and future of Westeros? Will Littlefinger try and use his powers for evil? Lets discuss in the comments below!

Images: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the managing editor of Nerdist, host of Fangirling!, and Archmaester of Thrones for House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter!

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