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New Details About 5 Potential GAME OF THRONES Spin-Offs Emerge

Back in 2011, no one was quite sure how Game of Thrones would be received on HBO. There were no guarantees it would become the wildly popular fantasy series it has—and they don’t usually pick up back-to-back Emmy Awards for best drama. But Game of Thrones has been phenomenally successful on all levels, so it’s no wonder HBO isn’t about to let its signature franchise slip away with its imminent end in season 8.  So today’s Nerdist News is coming to you straight outta Westeros with an update on the potential spin-off series, as told by George R.R. Martin himself.

Join host and the fist of the First Men, Jessica Chobot, as she breaks down the attempt to expand Game of Thrones into five potential spin-offs. That’s right, five. Presumably the network only wants one spin-off at a time. If HBO went the full Law & Order and ordered them all, then we really would need a Dick Direwolf to step up and run the shows.

Game of Thrones

According to Martin, all of the possible spin-offs will be prequels, and none of them will feature characters from the current show. So you can forget about your dreams of a Robert’s Rebellion show. (Apparently, Martin has plans for that within his final novels in the A Song of Ice and Fire series). Even the adventures of Dunk and Egg remain off limits, because Martin wants to tell those stories before television gets a crack at them first.

But what’s left to explore? Quite a bit, actually! Martin’s universe is so densely mapped out that there are a variety of possibilities. We’d certainly love to see a series explore the doom of Valyria, or the rise of the Seven as the Old Gods fell from grace. The Dance of Dragons could also be quite promising as a chance to witness the Targaryen civil war.

Which Game of Thrones prequels would you like to see? By the Old Gods and the New, share your thoughts in the comment section below!

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