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Could GAME OF THRONES Change the Game in Season 7?

If you love watching ice melt, then HBO had a treat for you this morning! For over an hour on Facebook Live, Game of Thrones fans around the world gathered online to witness flames slowly (and we mean s-l-o-w-l-y!) burn away the ice to reveal the seventh season will drop on Sunday, July 16th. But that isn’t the biggest news shaking the realms of gods and men: A new character is coming to Game of Thrones, and today’s Nerdist News is all about how his presence on the show could confirm a long-standing theory!

Before we go any further, there are potentially major spoilers ahead for GoT season 7 ahead! It’s all rumor and speculation until it turns out to be true, though. Either way, you’ve been warned!


Join host and last of the First Men, Amy Vorpahl, as she explains how Jim Broadbent’s new character may shake up the show. Broadbent has confirmed that he will be in at least five episodes out of the shortened seven episode season. He’s also said that his character will primarily play off of Samwell Tarly, and that he will have a major scene in each of his episodes. Naturally, this seems to support the theory that he’s Maester Walgrave or Marwyn the Mage or some amalgamation character that combines aspects of both men. However, that’s not the exciting part.

Our Managing Editor, and cousin of dragons, Alicia Lutes, has stepped up with a major theory of her own that may blow the show wide open. It’s long been speculated that the Maesters actively suppressed knowledge about magic in Westeros as a way to consolidate their power. They also had a part in allowing Robert’s Rebellion to bring down the Mad King. Surely the Maesters would be less than pleased to see Daenerys Targaryen ride back into power alongside her dragons. The Maesters may even turn out to be Daenerys’ secret enemy that no one even saw coming; which should make things awkward for Sam if he has to choose between joining the Maesters or standing alongside Jon Snow and Daenerys in the fight to save the realm.

What do you think about the newest GoT theory? Melt some ice in the comment section below!



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