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GAME OF THRONES Most Anticipated Alliance May Finally Arrive in Season 7

Editor’s Note: this post is dark and full of speculation and set notes, which means: potential spoilers lie ahead! Don’t read on if you don’t want to know details about season 7 of Game of Thrones!

A potential meet-up between two major forces in the Westerosi world may be teed up in season seven, meaning a long-anticipated alliance of our fan fictionalized dreams could be realized. In the world of Game of Thrones, certain things are held as certainties in the hearts of fans—even if they have yet to be realized in the books or on the TV series. (Sorta like that whole “Jon Snow ain’t Dead” thing that is still, as-of-yet unresolved in the books but answered on the show.) Of course we are talking about the alliance of Dany and Jon Snow, uniting the Targaryen and Stark forces for a greater good, restoring sanity and stability to the Realm (once and for now, at least). Such a pairing is, perhaps, the most-assumed plot point yet-to-be by fans of the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series now that Jon Snow’s parentage has been confirmed—and now a source from set has reported on character movements that lead us to believe the puzzle pieces for such a meet-up are being put in place.

According to Archmaesters of the Game of Thronesiverse, Watchers on the Wall, it will be in the Dragonpit that Daenerys starts to mount a movement with the North. In addition to meetings with “with several familiar characters there,” WotW’s source says “Daenerys will have at least one scene where she’s speaking with Davos Seaworth and Brienne of Tarth.”

Now, before we dive into the logistics of this, we first have to freak out: BRIENNE OF TARTH AND DAENERYS TARGARYEN JOINING FORCES? Be still our badass-lady-loving heart, we would love nothing more than Brienne becoming a trusty Queensguard leader for our beloved Dany Targs. (She’d look ferocious in white, scaled armor.)


…I mean, right?!

Also, with Ser Davos being the one by her side, there’s a chance that some of the plot points left hanging by Stannis’ early death (on the show vs. in the books) will likely be handled by Jon Snow, which would key up a lot of potential conflict. This is particularly evident when it comes to Theon Greyjoy, whom Stannis went down to try and execute in the books. Considering the Greyjoy siblings are newly aligned with Dany, this could make for a bit of an issue between our dragon queen and undead ice boy before they become friends/allies/lovers/mortal enemies. Could we see a marriage of Jon Snow to a Northern Girl (maybe the one that was recently cast and spotted in photos with Jon Snow) before our they-gotta-be-destined couple come to be? Or could, perhaps, Littlefinger’s machinations divide Sansa Stark and her brother in a battle for control of the North, with Brienne there to curry favor for the Queen in the North rather than King Jon? But where would that leave Ser Davos, who is clearly in the bag for Jon Snow?

…Or could Ser Davos be sent on a mission (by Dany or by Jon) to retrieve a far more surprising interloper? By that we mean—and this is major book spoilers, TV fans, so don’t read if you don’t want!—the alleged Aegon Targaryen, a.k.a. Young Griff, from the books? A few casting notices have led fans to speculate that we might actually get Griff and Young Griff this season, and Ser Davos—our intrepid adventurer across the lands, a real truth-seeker of sorts—would be just the sort of person to really snuff out the truth of who’s destined to lead, huh?

But what do you think? Will Dany and Jon Snow come together this season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Here’s everything we know about S7 thus far:

Images: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist, creator/co-host of Fangirling, and resident Game of Thrones recapper. Find her on Twitter if you want!

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