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Woops, HBO Confirmed [SPOILER]’s Father Before GAME OF THRONES Did

The night is dark and full of spoilers, Game of Thrones fans — so if you don’t want something you probably already knew (especially if you read the books) confirmed for you before the show and/or George R.R. Martin get to it, turn away now and don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Well we finally know who the daddy is — and it’s someone you probably thought it was all along. On Tuesday, HBO’s official blog, Making Game of Thrones, released an infographic depicting the complicated relationships surrounding Ned Stark, his bastard Jon Snow, Lyanna Stark, and the Baratheon/Lannister clan. Oh, and it also, totally and completely confirmed who Jon Snow’s real father is, even though we only got the confirmation during the season six finale, “The Winds of Winter,” that Ned Stark’s sister, Lyanna Stark, was actually the bastard boy’s mother.

With several lines depicting parentage, marriage, alliances, and enemies — and even one for murder, because Thrones — the true father of the half-Stark baby is undeniable. Take a look for yourself (and click it to make it full size!):


Now, before you get all, “duh-doy, Nerdist!” Please note: we know! R+L=J is a long-held fan theory, so it’s not exactly a surprise or twist to see Rhaegar finally and officially listed somewhere as the father of everyone’s favorite brooding know-nothinger …but it is pretty shocking that HBO let their blog do it first, rather than, say, the show or George R.R. Martin himself.

Or maybe they didn’t know and whichever graphic designer at the network mocked this up for them got a little bit overzealous and nobody realized.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

And if you want to talk more about “The Winds of Winter,” click below to hear us talk about it on All Kings Considered:

Image: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor, creator/co-host of Fangirling, and resident Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter if that’s your thing.

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