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Ned Stark’s Favorite Kid on GAME OF THRONES is Extremely Obvious

Editor’s Note: this post contains minor spoilers if you’re not caught up with Game of Thrones. So please don’t whine at us if you read it and get spoiled—you’ve been warned!

Jon Snow would not be Ned Stark’s favorite Stark child on Game of Thrones. I mean, when you think about it: he’s not even really, technically, a Stark, so his honorable morality-obsessed ways wouldn’t even permit him to consider it, despite the fact that, in the years since his death, Snow’s done the most to try and protect the Known Realm. So it’s no surprise—at least to us—that the runaway favorite for Ned’s posthumous favorite, according to his children that are still alive, is everyone’s favorite serial murderperson, Arya Stark.

At least that’s what Entertainment Weekly got out of Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Sophie Turner (Sansa), Maisie Williams (Arya), and Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran) when they were on set several weeks back.

Now, we admire Sansa for thinking she’d be the favorite—which, of course she would, she’s so easily led astray by the opinions of others, poor/foolish girl—and if she manages to pull off any sort of control with moral authority, maybe she would end up his favorite. But, like, c’mon: Arya Stark is a goddamn badass. She takes no prisoners (because she murders them swiftly) and has put up with more shitgarbage than any of her other siblings combined, including the murdered ones. And she’s done it all on her own without any sort of family (or belief that any of them are still alive).

Arya is the truest hero of Westeros, don’t @ us.

But what do you think? Would Ned still pick Robb, just because he died a noble death defending The North (which: ugh, because honestly that feels like a very real option—but it’s just further proof that Ned Stark suuuuuuucked (again don’t @ us)? Let us know in the comments below.

Images: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist, Maester-in-residence for all things GoT, creator/host of Fangirling!, and frequent Twitter user.

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